The Paradox of Love
The great paradox about love as we understand and use it by default, is that though we think we love others, in truth we love ourselves. We can “love” only to the extent we ourselves receive a pleasant, fulfilling sensation from “loving”.
As a result of our inherently egocentric, “self-loving”, self-justifying, subjective nature we are incapable of “true love”.
“True love” is a state when the “lover” completely disappears in the “beloved”, exist within the desires, needs of the “beloved”, fulfilling them perfectly according to the viewpoint of the “beloved” without any personal, subjective calculations, expectations. A true lover loves the “beloved” even if the “beloved” does not even know the lover exists.
In order to become able to love in such a “supernatural” — above inherent, instinctive nature — way, we need to “borrow”, learn love, the ability for unconditional service of others from Nature’s system, learning how Nature “loves”, creates and sustains life.
Why would we want to do such a thing when it is against our inherent nature?!