The only truly Human job AI cannot do instead of us
Question from the Internet:
“Which are the jobs that will not be affected by artificial intelligence?”
When we look at our societies, most of our activities, all the “hysterical” production and consumption — most of it way beyond our necessities — are completely obsolete and harmful.
Most of the “jobs” and activities human beings are doing are not only useless, but they destroy humanity and nature externally and internally.
According to certain calculations, 10–15% of humanity would be more than enough to produce all the true, natural, and comfortable necessities human beings would ever need. Most of this work can be taken over by robots and AI without any problems.
After all, most of our necessities concern our “animal existence” in relation to the health, safety, and survival of the physical body.
Our main and truly Human job has nothing to do with the survival of the physical body — which body we have become totally obsessed with and spend most of our time worshipping, modifying, and augmenting.
Our truly Human job is to learn and practice how to become “truly Human” beings that can reach and fulfill the unique and very high evolutionary Human role and purpose nature’s evolution expects from us and predetermined for us.
This requires building a single, mutually integrated, and mutually complementing Human “super-organism” where each individual human being becomes a healthy cell, existing and acting only for the sake of others and the whole system.
And this action is not something physical.
This mutual “action” denotes the intention, attitude, and approach between people. Instead of the inherently self-serving, egocentric, and individualistic intentions and behavior, where we care only about ourselves and happily survive and succeed at each other’s expense, we would need to learn a totally opposite way of existing.
It is already clear that through our inherently “cancer-like” attitude and behavior, we are driving ourselves and the whole global human society to the edge of extinction, which we can cause directly or indirectly. Thus, even for our “simple” physical survival, we would need to learn how to start existing above and against our inherent nature.
But the crucially necessary mutual integration and mutually complementing cooperation and coexistence can take us much further than ‘simple” physical and collective survival.
If we built the single Human “super-organism,” nature’s evolution obligates us to build — and will push pressure and beat us until we do so — we would also acquire a unique and unparalleled collective Human consciousness and intellect, and we would also gain an unbiased and unlimited “composite perception of reality.”
As a result, we could open a completely new, presently unimaginable scope of existence for ourselves. Through each other, by combining our individual intellects and viewpoints, we could build, use, and enjoy a sense of existence that can attain reality “as it is,” in its total perfection without any egoistic or subjective bias or selfish and individualistic distortion.
By changing our original intentions that focus only on ourselves to existing and acting only for the sake of others and the whole of humanity and through it, the natural system, we could escape our inherently selfish, egoistic, and individualistic prisons and achieve true freedom.
True freedom is when I do not have to care or think about myself any longer, when all my attention and focus is on how to sense and fulfill others. Through this selfless, loving, and bestowing intention towards others — in an environment where everybody practices the same — we can totally detach ourselves from our “original, egocentric and individualistic selves” and their sense of limited and temporary physical existence — even while still existing in the physical world in the biological bodies.
Through the totally selfless, utterly loving, and bestowing intentions and attitude toward others, we tune ourselves to nature’s life-creating and life-nurturing forces that fulfill all needs and necessities immediately like an embryo is fulfilled in the mother’s womb.
We all become like pure and transparent conductors and transition for nature’s life flow towards each other through our seamless mutual integration. And as we all receive our fulfillment through each other from nature’s forces immediately and perfectly, without any need for asking or expecting, the gap between need and fulfillment — that necessitates the ‘existence” of time and space — also disappears.
As a result, this utterly loving and bestowing mutual and collective existence — each individual human being becoming a healthy cell in the single system of Humanity that also becomes seamlessly integrated into nature — will give us a realistic and tangible sense of infinite and eternal existence.
AI cannot help us in this work of becoming “truly Human” beings. This is a job we have to do by ourselves, willingly, consciously, and purposefully.