The only thing that needs changing is ourselves
Question from the Internet:
“What do you do to cope with great uncertainty in the world today?”
I try to get to the bottom of it, identifying the root cause of this uncertainty and all our problems.
And we have a unique, empirical, natural science, which has been studying human nature in contrast to Nature’s finely balanced and mutually integrated system for millennia. And this science explains to us that the root cause of all the problems that have been plaguing humanity throughout history and today is our own inherently self-serving, self-justifying, egocentric and exploitative nature.
The unique human ego — the only thing that separates us from other animals — drives us towards incessant and excessive overconsumption and the ruthless and exclusive competition where we succeed at each other’s and Nature’s expense.
The human ego drives us to constantly brake the fragile general balance and homeostasis in Nature that life depends on and to destroy the very system that provides us with life intentionally.
Today we are in the very important process of recognizing this “evil” — it is not really evil since we are born with our inherent qualities, we had no choice about that — nature. And this recognition is extremely important as we can finally search for and implement the right remedy.
Until now, we constantly tried to change, correct and destroy each other or to manipulate the world around us to fit our egoistic calculations. Now, we need to focus on changing the only thing that needs changing: ourselves.