The need for global coordination, cooperation in a global, integral world
Question from the Internet:
“Is it possible to have a one-world government?”
I think it is clear, that since we have evolved into a globally integrated, interdependent world, and all of the problems we are facing today are all global, affecting all of us, we will need some kind of a global coordinating organization, body.
It will not work as a government as we are used to. Each country, each region will need its own governing body, that has knowledge of the local circumstances, needs.
But these local, regional governing bodies will need global coordination, ensuring the global cooperation, harmony we are so badly missing right now when facing problems like the present pandemic or climate change for example.
But this is not something that can be forced on the world from above. Even now we seemingly have global organizations, we have the UN for example, but they are only acting like a circus, a showground for the stronger nations to force their will on others, or to act as a smokescreen to cover true, ulterior motives by certain countries, organizations to manipulate the world through the UN and its subgroups.
An effective global coordinating body will form organically “from below” when we all understand that our interdependence — obligated by Nature’s laws — also means that we are mutually, absolutely responsible for each other and the whole planet. This requires a gradual, purposeful, practical process all of us learning, practicing interdependence and how we can make it work above and against our inherently egocentric, subjective, individualistic, and nationalistic nature.