The multi-perspective approach to Nature’s wisdom

Zsolt Hermann
Dec 29, 2020


Question from the Internet:

"Wisdom is best viewed from multiple perspectives" is one of my favourite 'go-to' quotes. What are your favourite quotes and their meaning?

I am happy to take your quote as my favorite.
True Wisdom is Nature’s infinite wisdom which we can access only when we achieve a certain amount of similarity with Nature’s fully integrated, interdependent, “multi-dimensional" qualities.

Thus a single person, through our inherently “single-dimensional", subjective, egocentric perception can’t access, comprehend Nature’s wisdom. We need to build a unique collective mind, collective — multi-perspective — perception by nullifying ourselves, our own opinions, viewpoints towards others.

Only then can we finally approach, research and understand that Natural system we exist in and our own role in it — as part of a fully integrated Human collective.



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.