The most important social issue affecting us through cause/effect, problem/solution process

Zsolt Hermann
Nov 16, 2020

Question from the Internet:

“What is a social issue topic that is really happening today using the cause-effect and problem-solution type of structure?”

The most important social issue topic that affects everything through cause-effect, problem-solution is the following:

We are all born inherently egocentric, individualistic, selfish, thus we don’t trust each other and we fight, compete exclusively, trying to succeed, survive at each other’s expense.

So we are unable to build sustainable, positive, mutually responsible, mutually complementing interconnections, cooperation with each other.
As a result we can’t assess and solve our mounting global problems that require global decision making and coordinated action.

Thus our collective Human existence is in danger right now, as we are helplessly sleepwalking towards an unprecedented global meltdown that could be triggered at any time from multiple issues in multiple locations.


We find a way and the necessary, purposeful and highly practical method that can teach us how to build the crucially important, life-saving global coordination, cooperation above and despite everything that separates, rejects people and nations from each other.



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.