The most important “rule” that can change, fix the world
Question from the Internet:
“What simple rule would fix the world if everyone actually followed it?”
As unique, empirical, natural scientists have been telling us for millennia, the rule/principle of “love others as yourself” is the single rule that can change everything and fix the world.
Most religions, spiritual teachings agree with this rule, still, nobody actually managed to put it into practice until now.
This rule — truly loving others as ourselves — is against our inherently “self-loving”, egocentric, subjective and individualistic nature.
By default we can make calculations only for ourselves, we see, sense, perceive from the surrounding reality only things, events, people that can serve our 100% self-serving “pleasure/pain” calculations. Knowingly, unknowingly we constantly survive, succeed at the expense of others as we excessively hoard, accumulate resources and profit for ourselves.
And we get actual, most qualitative pleasure when we achieve something at the expense of others when we raise ourselves above others in every sense of this notion at any cost. Even when we think, we say we “love” others it is a notion where I “love” because it gives me a good feeling, some reward or recognition.
This is how our inherent nature works, we are not evil or sinful, since we had no free choice about this, we are born with such “negative”, hateful qualities towards others as a result of evolution programming us this way.
This is why our world looks the way it does, this is why history is a helplessly recurring chain of vicious cycles, wars following wars, disrupted by temporary, failing peace agreements, while we are recklessly depleting Nature’s resources until everything runs dry.
So if we could implement the rule of “loving others as we love ourselves”, relating to others and the world with selfless, altruistic care, even love, we could change the world for the better. Then we would start to exist like the individual cells of our biological body, comprising a single healthy, surviving organism.
So if we could learn how to actually implement “loving others as ourselves” — learning and practising “true love”, meaning selflessly, unconditionally sensing and fulfilling the desires of others instead of selfishly only fulfilling ourselves — we could change the world into a “real-life Garden of Eden”.
We can actually achieve this by understanding, feeling that those “others” are not “others” but they are part of the same “body”, the same living organism as I am, thus everybody and everything else that presently I sense “outside of me” are also part of the actual, real “me” which is the whole system.
This way “loving others” becomes equal to loving myself.
We can understand and feel this tangibly, realistically with the help of a unique, purposeful and practical educational, scientific method based on Nature’s laws of integration.
And the most important is that this “rule” is not an arbitrary “human rule/law” developed through our inherently subjective, egocentric consciousness, perception. This principle, rule of “true love” is the single most important law of Nature, the basis of life, since if elements, cells of integrated living systems did not behave according to this mutual “true love”, selflessly, unconditionally serving each other and the whole system, life would not exist.