The most important principle for solving global problems
Question from the Internet:
“Do you think it is important for basic principles to be combined together and used to solve current problems in society? How do scientists usually do this?”
The most important principle for solving current problems in society is mutual, collective cooperation.
As we can see and feel more and more, we evolved into a fully integrated, interdependent world. All our problems — even if initially they look local, regional — are global problems.
We are unsuccessful in our “solutions", we are sinking ever deeper into crisis, because we still try to react, and “solve" things in our instinctively egocentric, individualistic, nationalistic, subjective way.
This is why we urgently need a unique, “integral education", that can help us understand, moreover feel our total interdependence and give us the tools to build the crucially necessary, positive, sustainable, mutually responsible, mutually complementing cooperation our problem-solving ability and collective survival depends on.