The most disastrous problem in society
Question from the Internet:
“What is the most disastrous problem of society according to you?”
The most disastrous problem of society — literally threatening our continuing existence — is that we cannot mutually interconnect and cooperate above our differences and diversity.
On the one hand, everybody agrees that we have evolved into a globally integrated and fully interdependent world. On the other hand, our mutual distrust, animosity and hostility have never been greater.
This aggressive separation between people has reached such levels that even the classical family — the founding block of society — is falling apart, especially in the West.
While all the problems humanity is facing are now global, influencing all of us, we all make our calculations, decisions and actions individually, egotistically and subjectively. As the pandemic has shown, even when our health and physical life requires mutual responsibility and mutually complementing cooperation, we are unable to do so.
Our inherently self-serving, self-justifying, exploitative nature is stronger than our survival instinct!
This means that unless we consciously, willingly and purposefully learn how to interconnect and cooperate — calculating, deciding and acting for the sake of others and the whole collective — above and against our inherent nature, we will not survive.