The misconception about human evolution

Zsolt Hermann
2 min readSep 13, 2021

Question from the Internet:

“Does the idea of evolution take into consideration a systematic reality according to materialist guidelines and propaganda?”

The notion of evolution is completely distorted by our selfish, materialistic worldview and propaganda in order to justify our own unnatural, selfish, exploitative existence.

We adopted the idea of ‘survival of the fittest” meaning that those who are the strongest and exploit, destroy, stifle the rest can survive better.

But it is a total distortion of actual evolution, which is based on a seamless, altruistic, mutually responsible integration, mutually complementing interaction, cooperation of all elements in Nature, that cooperation facilitates and sustains life.

We can watch this beautiful Natural process unfold between our cells, organs in our own biological bodies, but at the same time, we came to believe that on a macro, societal level this does not apply to us, but we can live and survive selfishly, subjectively, at each other’s and Nature’s expense.

The survival of the fittest means the survival of those who can integrate better into the system.

Humanity is blind, stubbornly proud of its own progress, development which encompasses basically a few centuries or a couple of millennia time period within billions of years of evolution. We are completely deceiving ourselves like cancer deceiving itself about its own progress. We are on track to self-destruct if not in this, but in the next generation. Still, from within our very narrow, self-centered, self-justifying, subjective scope, we consider our development as a success.

If we do not change track, from Natural evolution’s point of view we will become a total failure, a species that had the chance to become the peak of evolution — by consciously adapting itself to Nature which chance no other species received — and instead blindly, recklessly executing themselves in a very short time.

We still have a chance to understand what evolution is about, what our own predetermined role is in it, and we can still adjust and consciously, methodically adapt ourselves to Nature to become “truly Human”, a creature consciously becoming similar to Nature above its inherent nature, against its instincts.



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.