The merit of globalization
Question from the Internet:
“What is the most significant merit of globalization given the current health crisis we are facing?”
The most significant “merit” of globalization is that it is not man-made.
We evolved into a globally integrated and fully interdependent world as a result of Nature’s evolution driving its whole system towards most optimal integration, each part, element of the system mutually complementing each other in order to sustain the finely governed balance and homeostasis life depends on.
Humanity is the only species that is not instinctively, automatically integrated into the system, we are seemingly an “anomaly” due to our total incompatibility with the systems integration.
Our human system is built on unnatural, self-serving, individualistic, ruthlessly competitive, exploitative foundations and our incompatibility with Nature has been growing exponentially as our human ego has been developing, intensifying through history reaching today’s maximum intensity.
We are in a health crisis — and in all other kinds of seemingly unsolvable crisis situations — because we are incompatible with Nature’s laws. We are facing global problems but we try to solve them individually, nationally at each other’s expense without any global coordination, cooperation — which we are utterly incapable of as such mutuality is not in our original program.
We are like single-cell organisms that can only care for, serve themselves.
On the other hand, we are also the only beings in Nature that have the conscious, active ability to assess themselves and make the necessary changes to achieve integration with Nature through purposefully, methodically integrating with each other — above and against our inherent program.
It is specifically this conscious change, acquiring similarity with Nature against our original egoistic self that will make us truly Human, the peak of Natural evolution, the only fully aware, independent but integrated observers, partners of the system.