The meaning of Human life
Question from the Internet:
“What is in our human nature that makes us so desperate for some kind of miracle/ blessing to appear in our lives (even when we have a decent healthy life)?”
There is a very deep contradiction, paradox in us which most of us are unaware of to begin with, but it still disturbs us inside, consumes us until it becomes a conscious feeling and finally we can act to solve it.
Whether we feel or not yet, whether we believe in it or not, we have a very unique, truly Human purpose in life determined by nature’s evolution and the meaning of our life is to find and fulfill that purpose.
On the other hand we also “know” sense that it is a purpose we cannot reach by default, it is something we are unprepared for as our inherent setup, devices do not give us the ability to reach this purpose on our own.
And this inner need to reach, accomplish something which we are unable to achieve by default is our “inner tragedy” in life which gnaws at us regardless of how much we are aware of it.
All our individual life and humanity’s whole development so far has been about escaping that inner tear, this unsolvable paradox of our existence, and while in childhood we think a lot about life, our purpose the older we get the more we try to bury this notion. This is why our whole life is a 24/7 rat race, we try to hide in the incessant noise of life so we would not need to think about our predetermined purpose and how we could achieve it.
But that inner need is constantly growing and in our generation — when we have much more fulfillment, pleasures, wealth, and gadgets we ever need — this inner, evolutionary need has become so strong that we can’t bury, ignore it any longer.
And this makes us feel terrible, empty, depressed even if we still do not know exactly what bothers us. The pandemic with its lockdowns — when the rat race, the incessant noise is canceled and we can’t numb, dumb ourselves all the time brought this to the surface even more. The virus truly showed us a brutally honest mirror about how empty, aimless and inhuman our life truly is.
And even if we can return to “normal” after the lockdowns, quarantines, this emptiness, despair does not go away.
If we do not find out and fulfill our predetermined, evolutionary Human purpose in life, life simply has no meaning and as this sense is ever stronger, unforgiving, we will either destroy ourselves individually, collectively or we finally set out to solve that inner paradox.
We are destined to become Nature’s only integrated and independent observers, partners by achieving a Nature-like mutual integration between ourselves and by that integrating into Nature through the acquired similarity with its integral system.
And since we have to achieve this integration above, against our inherently egoistic, selfish, exploitative individualism, this gives us the unique duality, contrast that is necessary for our role, purpose.
We cannot achieve this purpose on our own, not even when we try doing it together, since we can’t change our own nature, we cannot acquire completely new, never-before felt qualities, abilities on our own.
This is why we need a unique, purposeful and practical empirical scientific method that can help us consciously, actively harness Nature’s all-encompassing evolutionary force to give us the qualities evolution wanted to give us from the beginning — but is waiting for our conscious need, “request” in order to preserve our unparalleled human free-choice that is necessary for our final Human role in the system.
This process might still sound fantastical, mystical or science-fiction, but this is very real and the absolute need to take a conscious part in it is pressing on us from all sides and this pressure is slowly becoming unbearable.
It is time to solve our original, intolerable inner paradox and find and fulfill our evolutionary Human purpose in life — with the help of, in partnership with Nature’s evolution.
By that, we will solve all of our problems which are all the result of this unresolved inner abyss, imbalance in every human being.