The manner of Human development is our free choice
Question from the Internet:
“Are humans really advancing as a whole? Are we going backwards in large?”
Humanity is part of Nature. As a result we are bound by the same Natural laws as any other part of the Natural system, and we are also influenced, driven by Nature’s evolution.
And this evolutionary flow relentlessly progresses forward, towards a predetermined, final, most optimal goal: the total integration of the system.
Thus as part of this flow we are also progressing ahead towards the same goal, Humanity also needs to integrate within itself so it can then integrate into Nature through similarity. How we reach that goal is our free choice!
The fact that we are seemingly moving backwards, that we are seemingly incompatible, opposite compared to Nature’s system and evolution’s direction is also important and purposeful.
Humanity is the only part of Nature that received the chance to achieve the obligatory integration, compatibility with the system consciously, actively, by our own efforts.
It is for this reason that we are born initially opposite, incompatible with Nature, with an inherently egocentric, individualistic, self-serving and exploitative nature. Only when we recognize how harmful, how self-destructive our original nature, program is - which is unfolding in our generation - can we use our true free choice and Human ability: to purposefully, consciously and methodically adapt ourselves to Nature’s evolutionary flow above and against who we are born.
For that we have a unique, practical, scientific educational method that can help us to through this process protectively, in full awareness, without waiting for blows, worsening crisis situation to force us to change ourselves against our will.