The link between Climate Change and the Covid-19 Pandemic
Although there is no direct evidence (yet) that the Covid-19 pandemic or climate change is directly caused by Human activity, it is very clear, without any doubt that with our actions, inactions we make both the pandemic and climate change much worse than it should be.
And it is the same with any other mounting, global issues that are already directly affecting, threatening our future survival.
And the root cause of our destructive behavior — that we keep acting individually, egotistical, succeeding and surviving at each other’s expense — is our inability to build positive, sustainable, mutually responsible and mutually complementing connections, cooperation with each other.
We can only hope that at least a healthy minority, a so-called “critical mass” would have understood from the pandemic that — whether we want it or not, regardless of our consent — we are all locked into the same, global, integral system where we all depend on each other and we are obligated to become mutually responsible towards one another.
This recognition could lead us to the first truly free choice in Human history: will we continue blindly following our inherently self-centered, self-justifying, egotistic and subjective instincts until we totally self-destruct; or we consciously, methodically learn how to act above, against our instincts and behave as a single, interconnected Human “super-organism” with a special collective mind (that is infinitely much more capable and realistic than the mystical AI) that could effortlessly offer solutions and a qualitatively much higher level of collective, Human existence.