The laws of fully integrated, interdependent systems

Zsolt Hermann
2 min readJan 15, 2021


Question from the Internet:

“If an action is not right for everyone to take, is it not right to anyone?”

If I understand your question well, basically you describe the basic law of fully integrated, closed, living systems.

In a fully integrated, fully interdependent system only such actions can happen, that are right for the whole system, that are beneficial to all, and to the overall purpose, direction of development of the system. Otherwise the whole system — and by that all comprising parts — are harmed.

Since Humanity has evolved into such a fully integrated, interdependent system — as the pandemic showed us, and other increasing global problems, crisis situations are also showing — we also have to adapt ourselves to these laws of integration.

Of course this is extremely difficult, it looks like a “mission impossible" from where we stand today.

We are all inherently self-serving, egocentric, subjective, we are by nature incapable of making calculations for anything, anybody else but for ourselves. Moreover how could we sense, understand the need of others all over the world, how could we check if our actions are truly the right actions that benefit all?!

On the other hand we have no choice in the matter. Nature’s strict, unforgiving laws of integration are obligatory for us as well, since we are integral parts of Nature, one species among many. So unless we adapt ourselves to Nature’s laws of integration we won’t survive!

This is why we urgently — as we are already standing on the brink of self-destruction — need a unique, purposeful and highly practical “Integral Education".

This scientific method can help us understand, moreover tangibly feel what interdependence truly means in initially small, manageable, closed environments, groups. Then such small environments — like cells — could become the viable foundations for rebuilding Humanity on Nature’s integral template.



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.