“The judge has only what his eyes see”, but we can change, upgrade how the eyes of the judge see…

Zsolt Hermann
3 min readOct 15, 2020

Question from the Internet:

“What if everything is great? What if the stressful situation the world seems to be in is only a virus in my own mind; a bug, a panego rather than a pandemic; once it’s identified, once my eyes clear, it turns out everything was fine from the start?”

Well it is a very complex, “slippery question” and the answer is not easy.

There is a saying, “the judge has only what his eyes see”, meaning provided we have a sane mind, we are not under the influence of hallucinogenic substances, what we see, experience, we have to accept as the true reality. And if around me most other people confirm that they see that same reality, then this is what we have to work with.

On the other hand we know by now - through psychology, quantum physics for example - that our perception of reality is completely subjective, introverted. We don’t see reality as it is, but we see, experience our own version of it.

So how can we combine these two things together?!

We can’t pretend that what we see is an illusion as then we would have no solid reality to work with, we would simply go crazy, so we have to go along what our “judge” shows us right now.

And our judge shows that there is a pandemic and an evolving crisis in the world, and we need to find as solution for them as we can according to our present perception.

But at the time we also need to work on changing the original, distorted, limited, subjective and egocentric perception to a qualitatively much higher, selfless, objective perception.

Then the closer we get to the right perception the more we will understand that all the problems we encountered through history, and through our own personal lives have been the result of the distorted original perception!

We will understand that seeing ourselves as standalone, isolated, individual beings, who have to compete, fight for survival against others in an unknown, hostile Natural system caused all the conflicts, wars, crisis situations and our futile war against Nature.

We will understand that in truth, from Nature’s systemic point of view we are integral parts of the system like cells in a body, and we have everything we ever need and can live the most perfect, balanced life if we remain within the optimal parameters Nature’s basic laws sustaining balance and homeostasis dictate.

While we perceive ourselves outside of the system we behave through egotistic, self-protective, self-serving and self-justifying instincts, reflexes, that makes us behave like cancer or a foreign body in an otherwise perfect system - or like cogwheels that resist the normal direction and speed of turn the machine requires, causing harm, failure in the system.

Thus all the problems our “judge” observes right now originate from our “faulty”, misguided perception. We have caused the pandemic due to our incompatibility with Nature’s balance, and the developing crisis is collapsing the unnatural, unsustainable Human socioeconomic system that has no right to exist in Nature’s integral system.

Through the purposefully, methodically acquired new, selfless, objective, truthful perception we will be able to research and finally understand the Natural system we exist in, and we will also find and fulfill our very special, complementary, partnering Human role, purpose in it.

By then our “judge” will see a perfect, Natural reality surrounding us, Nature in its total splendor not distorted by egocentric, subjective bias any more.




Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.