The ingredients for global cooperation
Question from the Internet:
“What are the necessary ingredients for large-scale cooperation and collaboration among humans?”
First, we need to understand why we are unable to build large-scale cooperation, collaboration among Humans. After all without the right, precise diagnosis there is no cure.
The reason we cannot build sustainable, positive, large-scale cooperation, collaboration with each other — even when our health, survival depends on it as we see right now through the pandemic — is that we are all born with an inherently self-serving, self-justifying, egocentric and exploitative nature — we all thrive to succeed at each other’s expense knowingly, unknowingly.
This is why no political, social, economic means “solutions” work since it is our inherent nature that is the problem, and whatever we do, design, implement comes from, serves the ego.
Thus without changing ourselves, complementing the selfish, greedy, exploitative, and hateful ego with opposite qualities we will not be able to solve our mounting global problems and survive.
But we can achieve true, sustainable changes, success only if they are achieved without coercion, without misleading propaganda, people freely, willingly joining in, fully understanding the benefit of the changes.
And that is possible only through a very special, purposeful, and highly practical educational method, which can not only help everybody understand but also feel in a very tangible and realistic manner what our global interdependence means and how beneficial it is if we start cooperating, collaboration, working for the benefit, the wellbeing of the whole collective above and against instinctive selfish benefit, calculations.
The unique education will be able to explain that this is not the dogma, agenda of some Human ideology, philosophy, or religion, but we need to integrate with each other and become a single “super-organism” because this is what Nature’s laws and evolutionary plan demand from us.