The incomprehensible reward of global human existence
Question from the Internet:
“What are global challenges and implications to human life?”
The global challenges implications to human life are that we evolved into a globally integrated and fully interdependent world which makes us a single organ in the body of Nature.
This is not science fiction or some kind of mysticism, this is not according to some arbitrary human ideology, philosophy, or theoretical science.
We are a single species in Nature, a system that is governed by strict, unchanging, and unforgiving laws that sustain the general balance and homeostasis life depends on. There is nobody to ask permission from, nobody to appeal to, nobody to bribe. We either learn and keep these iron laws of Nature, or we will not survive in the system which will reject us as a foreign body.
This will be a very difficult transition as basically, we have to give up, abandon everything we believed in, everything we ever invented and built, as all of this is built on, built for our inherently self-serving, self-justifying, exploitative egos. And now we have to learn how to live, exist, interconnect above and against this ego, according to how Nature’s mutually integrated living system is built.
We can facilitate, hasten and “sweeten” this transition by a unique, purposeful, and practical educational method — that is based on nature’s laws — helping us all understand and actually feel the mutual, collective, and also individual benefit of becoming single cells in a single organism consciously, by our own efforts.
First, we will agree to this in order to safeguard our continuing individual and collective survival. Later, as we settle into the mutually responsible, mutually complementing lifestyle, we will start to sense a qualitatively much higher, unlimited, and basically eternal existence as we liberate ourselves from all egocentric, subjective limitations like time, space, and physical motion.
Thus while initially, it feels like a huge sacrifice to abandon the instinctive servitude of the egoistic self, the reward, the compensation we receive through a mutually integrated, collective existence is incomparable — at this stage even incomprehensible with our limited, flat individual, introverted consciousness and perception — compared to our very limited and distorted life we “enjoy” right now.