The ideologies, systems we try, we live in are all invented by our inherent nature
Question from the Internet:
“Does capitalism incentivate egoism, insolidarity, individualism, and lack of compassion? Does socialism promote humanism and cooperation?”
We need to turn the cause and effect relationship upside down. After all of ideologies, systems are not absolute, we didn’t “find them”, or received them from some superior great civilization. We ourselves invented, developed them.
Thus raw Capitalism is the most suitable, most direct representation of our inherently egocentric, self-serving, self-justifying, individualistic and exploitative modern Human nature (“modern” meaning that the strength, intensity, hunger of the ego had been constantly growing through Human history).
Since raw Capitalism - and even the Capitalism that is seemingly controlled, subdued by different laws, guidelines - sooner or later inevitably leads to intolerable inequality, the manipulation, exploitation of the majority by a small minority, as a reflex reaction the socialistic, Communistic ideology appeared trying to solve the problem.
On paper equality, communal living, society becoming a single whole sounds good. And the initial implementation - especially by dethroning the rich, taking their wealth - feels good. But after the initial “honeymoon period” the underlying selfish, egotistic, individualistic instincts kick in. Those who lead the Communistic changes start to work for their own selfish benefit while oppressing others, and in the masses the desire for unique individual identity, desire for personal possessions, wealth accumulation wakes up. The Communistic system becomes unsustainable even through terror until it breaks.
We need a completely different approach - finding a way to accommodate our inherently raw Capitalistic Human nature to Nature’s laws of balance and homeostasis, to Nature’s integration that is very similar to Communism.
Moreover we have to do it without any coercion, without any misleading propaganda, as true changes are possible, sustainable only when they are achieved through positive motivation, when people join in willingly, understanding that the changes are truly for their own benefit.