The Human Advantage: The ability to sense love, happiness.

Zsolt Hermann
3 min readApr 5, 2020


Whether we are aware of it or not, whether we admit it or not, our life is the constant search, the pursuit of happiness, love. This pursuit can clothe into many forms, myriads of different pleasures, desires. But at the end of the day, we all want to feel happy and we all want to be loved, to be able to love.

By default, this is constrained to ourselves, to our close circles, with people who are related to us intimately through family connections or friendship. And this self-oriented, subjective chase for love, happiness, even if it fulfilled remains temporary, leaving us with a certain dissatisfaction, always remaining with the search, needing more.

We want more as we are actually programmed to work with much greater vessels than what we can use with our inherently egocentric, personal perception when we consider “ourselves” the single person we associate ourselves today — with perhaps another few people providing a close, external circle.

And even the happiness, love we are able to feel is but a morsel, a shadow of the true sense of love and happiness we could acquire, feel.

If we look at the natural reality around us scientifically, we see a vast, non-sentient, mechanical system based on strict, unbending natural laws governing everything. From such a scientific point of view Nature is not different from a digital, mechanical system like the system in the movie “Matrix”.

Even our own emotions, feelings can be described as hormonal, chemical processes we can induce with different mechanical, pharmacological interventions.

Still, we have a unique way of interpreting everything emotionally, translating everything into very moving, Human emotional impressions, sensations. Disney movies anthropomorphizing animals, plants, houses, cars, etc is not childish. We cant relate to anything we encounter coldly, without “Humane emotions”. Even adults — consciously or unconsciously — have an emotional relationship with their cars, clothes, houses, certain places, not to mention pets, plants or even crystals, stones. This is how we relate to reality, in a 100% sentient, emotional manner.

Scientifically, naturally “happiness” means “contentment, balance, and homeostasis in closed, integral, natural systems, and “love” is how parts, elements selflessly, mutually complement, serve that system above, sometimes against individual calculations, survival. Again this happens in an unemotional manner in nature, or in our own biological body, but when we, Humans enter the picture it all turns completely emotional.

As a result, if we could learn how to exit our inherently egocentric, individualistic boundaries and start sensing not only family, friends but the whole world and beyond that the whole Natural system as our own “system”, network, “vessel”, we could start sensing the “true love and happiness” that permeates the whole system that provides and sustains life.

We have the ability to do so in a realistic, tangible manner through a unique, purposeful and practical educational method by learning how to perceive reality, exist through the desires, needs, and viewpoints of other people in small groups. Then using this template we can start sensing the whole natural reality we exist in like ours, feeling the above mentioned “love” and “happiness” in a Human, emotional manner.

This is not mysticism, religion, philosophy, it is pure science, sensing the balance and homeostasis in nature by becoming like it through the method. But instead of recording it coldly as a scientific experiment, our unique Human “detector” turns the data into Humane emotions giving us a different dimension, layer to the simple data.

And through those emotional impressions, we will acquire a consciousness, perception of reality above the egocentric, individualistic, subjective limitations of time, space and motion, above the sense of physical life or death!



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.