The Greatest Pain: A Path to Unity with Reality’s Single Creating Force
The greatest pain in human experience is a paradox: it is the pain we do not feel — the subtle, persistent ache of disconnection from reality’s single creating force. This unseen wound drives us toward a profound journey of soul devotion, achievable only through selfless commitment to others within a unique environment. This article explores the nature of this pain, the necessity of true prayer, and the elusive gift of Lishma, offering a roadmap to align with reality’s single creating force through love, surrender, and collective yearning.
The Hidden Pain of Disconnection
The greatest pain arises from our separation from reality’s single creating force, yet we rarely perceive it. Buried beneath the distractions of ego and desire, this disconnection festers unnoticed, leaving us restless and incomplete. To awaken to this pain is to recognize its source — not in external lack, but in the absence of unity with the force that shapes all existence. Only by feeling this void can we begin to seek its remedy: a soul devotion that transcends the self entirely.
This devotion is not solitary. We must reach it unconditionally by totally committing and devoting ourselves to others in a special environment where each person shares a singular goal: to reveal, attain, and partner with reality’s single creating force by becoming similar to it. In this sacred space, our individual aspirations dissolve into a collective pursuit of unity and alignment with its qualities.
Overcoming Through True Prayer
Overcoming this pain means reaching a true and complete prayer — a cry of the soul that acknowledges our utter dependence on reality’s single creating force. It is a recognition that only it can help, and without its intervention, even death is preferable to enduring this spiritual exile. This prayer is not a fleeting wish but a raw, desperate plea born of surrender, trusting that reality’s single creating force holds the power to bridge the divide within and between us.
This prayer evolves as we offer it. Reality’s single creating force corrects it, installing the right deficiency and desire into our hearts. What begins as a vague longing — perhaps a hope to love and serve others while still expecting something for ourselves — transforms into a pure, burning need. True prayer becomes constant, a flame that never wanes, fueled by the realization that only reality’s single creating force is missing between us.
The Gift of Lishma
Lishma — pure, selfless devotion to reality’s single creating force — cannot be seized through deliberate effort. It is not the result of a conscious search where we know what we want and pursue it. From within our original egocentric, self-serving, and self-justifying minds and emotions, Lishma remains invisible, unimaginable — a state where we exist totally selflessly and unconditionally, forgetting even our own existence. In this state, we sense life only in the moments and abilities granted to love and serve others without any thought of reward.
We receive Lishma as a gift after we have made enough efforts and become unsuccessful in reaching what we wanted. When our self-directed strivings falter, reality’s single creating force steps in, giving us not what we thought we needed according to our limited understanding, but what it desires for us — something so extraordinary we couldn’t have conceived it before. We cannot even ask for Lishma until it grants us the capacity to exist within it. Until then, our prayers may approximate it, seeking to love and serve while still tinged with self-interest, awaiting its correction.
The Work of Surrender
This journey requires us to work without taste or reward, believing that reality’s single creating force finds joy in our efforts even when they feel empty. We labor seemingly between heaven and earth, holding onto thin air, totally surrendering to its force and governance. This is no ordinary task — it is a radical act of faith, defying the logic of the ego to trust that our surrender resonates in the unseen realms where reality’s single creating force reigns.
Such commitment is fragile, easily eroded by doubt or fatigue. Only a strong environment — a community united in purpose — can awaken and sustain the constant, strong deficiency needed to pursue this path. Together, we bolster one another, keeping our focus on the greatest, most burning, and scrutinized deficiency: the absence of reality’s single creating force among us.
The Burning Yearning
We must search for and focus on this yearning, a need so intense it demands fulfillment here and now. With each other’s help, we direct this longing toward Lishma, though its true form eludes us until reality’s single creating force corrects our deficiency and prayer. It installs within us the authentic desire for Lishma, soothing our original plea from “not lacking total adherence to reality’s single creating force.”
Once this correction takes root, we carry a rich pain and yearning within us — an ever-present awareness of the lack of reality’s single creating force between us and in the world. We begin to feel the empty and dark spaces where its qualities are absent, and we pray constantly for it to fill them. This burning need becomes our compass, guiding us to embody its essence through selfless love and service.
The greatest pain — our disconnection from reality’s single creating force — is both our affliction and our awakening. It propels us toward soul devotion, refines our prayer, and prepares us for the gift of Lishma. Through surrendering to its will, working without reward, and yearning collectively in a strong environment, we draw nearer to its presence. As of February 21, 2025, this truth remains a clarion call: only reality’s single creating force can heal the void within and among us, illuminating the world with its boundless light.