The greatest need of human existence
Question from the Internet:
“Every organization, company, and person who is working is actually solving humans' needs. Now, how are human needs created? What changes have been made from the past to the present in relation to the need that has arisen in each generation?”
You are right. Our whole life is about fulfilling needs.
Our actual nature, the matter and the engine that drives us to do anything, is an insatiable desire. We are constantly in some lack or deficiency that we try to fulfil.
The whole of Nature is nothing but a vast deficiency and need that tries to fulfil itself. In Nature, this deficiency and need is the will to survive and procreate.
But this desire becomes much more complex and sophisticated in human beings, and we can generate and modulate new lacks and deficiencies.
We can see how throughout human history, that initial, simple desire to survive and procreate — expressed in the basic desires of food, shelter, sex and family — also evolved and increased, reaching the myriads of complex desires and deficiencies of our generation. As society developed, we started to desire wealth, power, control and fame, not to mention knowledge.
Today we are artificially generating and perpetuating needs through the media, entertainment industry and the Internet, so people keep yearning for things they do not actually need and, most of the time, cannot afford. As a result, we always need money, and we become slaves not only to our desires but to the banks and the whole Matrix, which is now generating our needs, desires and their fulfilment.
All the organizations, companies and people, all the politicians and CEOs and the “elite” behind them in the world work only to fuel and maintain this self-serving and hedonistic Matrix. And so far, they have been successful to keep all of us plugged in (existing only in order to produce and consume goods and services), making sure we do not think about anything else but the all-encompassing “circus and bread”, never asking a question about our life or about the meaning of it.
At the same time, after millennia of human evolution, a long-dormant need and desire is awakening in many people. In some, it appears as an unexpected new curiosity or “itch”, while in others, it awakens as a result of blows, suffering, and fundamental life changes.
Many people started wondering about the purpose of life, why we are called human beings, if there is something specific we are supposed to reveal or achieve while we are here in this world, etc.
And as the global crisis affecting all of us worsens and the Matrix collapses, none of our ideologies, philosophies or religions can answer our deeper questions about life, and even after consuming everything we can put our hands on and still remain empty and more and more depressed — we will have to face this overarching question about human existence and human purpose in life.
As time goes by, this need, this deficiency, will dwarf everything else, and we will literally feel that without finding an answer to the question about our purpose of existence and what role we have to play in life, life will have absolutely no meaning.
We are standing at unique crossroads when after the development of all the myriads of needs and desires, everything will melt into this single desire and the absolute need to find out who we are and why we exist.