The greatest, imminent threat to Humanity is our own selfish, egotistic nature!
Question from the Internet:
“What is the greatest imminent threat to humanity? I have long believed it is artificial intelligence.”
The most imminent threat to Humanity is our utter inability to give up inherent self-service, self-justification, to give up the instinctive inner drive to succeed at each other’s expense.
Our original nature has made us like “cancer" in the fully integrated, interdependent world we evolved into. As issues liked the pandemic, climate disaster and other growing global problems show, we can’t change self-benefit for the benefit of the even when our health, survival depends on it.
Thus we are stubbornly, proudly marching towards self-destruction — unless in the last moment we realize the need of a positive, global integration, cooperation and implement it through a unique, purposeful and highly practical educational method.