The global transition in perception of reality from Newton to Quantum…
Right now we are going through the greatest “revolution” in Human history — in our consciousness and perception of reality.
Until now we existed as egocentric, individualistic beings, who felt existing independently from one another, seemingly with free choice in decisions and actions. We built a Human system on Newtonian physics with solid objects moving along the vectors of time and space according to forces and vectors acting on them.
But now Nature’s evolution is inviting us into a completely new dimension, turning our whole existence, Human paradigm upside down.
At the moment we see a deepening global crisis that is affecting all levels, facets of Human activity, and we see that all our previous methods, “solutions” backfire and make things only worse. We are nearing a state of desperate helplessness which — according to historic experience — usually ignites social breakdown, riots, revolutions, and great wars. But since we are now obliged to enter a new phase of development according to Nature’s evolution even such dramatic, destructive “solutions” can’t help us, can’t resuscitate our previous way of life.
Thus it is in our best interest to understand the changes we have to go through. It is in our best interest to start a unique, purposeful, and practical educational method that can help us go through this transition.
The Clutch has been released
The first problem we are encountering is that we have evolved into a globally integrated and interdependent world. While our mindset is still working according to our presumed independence, ability to make “free” decisions for ourselves, to act as if we existed in a vacuum, we have become totally dependent on everybody else and with that came a complete, mutual responsibility towards one another regardless of borders, nationalities, culture, religions, gender or social status.
We are like cogwheels in the gearchange, that used to spin independently, according to their own volition suddenly finding that the “clutch has been lifted” and all cogwheels now have to spin together in unison according to a single plan, towards a single goal.
As our “external circumstances” have been (seemingly) abruptly changed, while our mindset has not been upgraded, we find ourselves in a terrible, unpleasant paradox.
We still don’t understand, don’t want to accept that “globalization” — living in a global, integral system — is not only about markets trade, financial institutions, but it encompasses all our life, and that it is definitely not “man-made” but an emotional necessity.
It is Nature’s relentless evolutionary plan which drives the whole system yourself the most optimal integration among its vastly diverse parts that obliges us to become compatible with it.
Moving from Newton to Quantum
And if this forced global integration is not enough, there is an even greater, deeper layer where we have to make crucial adjustments.
By default, we live and assess everything through actions. After all, it is the external, physical actions that we can see, observe, evaluate. Our whole life is based on the Newtonian system of physics, physical objects moving, interacting according to time, space, motion.
And although quantum physics started to hint at a very different, seemingly incompatible dimension, life-system at the very fabric of reality — on particle level — so far we have taken the findings of quantum physics as some esoteric amusement, science fiction, something we can philosophize about, but never actually understand. It remains a completely theoretical science.
This is not surprising. Our inherently egocentric, individualistic, and subjective consciousness, perception is locked into the Newtonian system of an unchanging, fixed observer looking at a reality that is confined to the coordinates of time, space, and physical motion.
In order to actually “touch”, research, feel the quantum system as we are used to research and feel the Newtonian system we would need to learn how to feel, exist like a particle. We ould need to become able to “roam” the system independently, objectively, above any restrictions from time, space, and physical motion.
And this is not some philosophy, mysticism. In the fully integrated, interdependent system where even moving a finger influences people and everything everywhere, even at the other end of the planet, we won’t be able to survive unless we acquire this ability to feel and exist like particles — outside, beyond our inherently egocentric, subjective consciousness, perception!
Observer and Intention
There are two amazing findings in Quantum physics that we need to take into consideration.
The first is Heisenberg showing how the observer changes oneself and the observed object, event by simply observing.
The second is Radin proving that we “pre-scan” the reality through quantum waves before we encounter it, as if pre-filtering the future according to our expectations, personal needs, to select and absorb what we intend to absorb.
This all unfolds in us on the blind, instinctive, subconscious level.
As a result, we focus on the actually unfolding, external actions — although all of them are already predetermined. And if we extrapolate into the fully integrated network we are locked in now, we can see that everything is utterly predetermined by everybody’s inherently subjective, egocentric expectations, intentions creating the random, unpredictable chaos we live in.
And we are not even aware of all this!!
The Human laboratory — Human particle accelerator
Thus in order to save ourselves from this conundrum, first we need to learn to live, scrutinize our lives through our intentions instead of focusing on the level of external actions — we have no influence on. Then when we managed to consciously sense our intentions before we act through them we can first arrest, stop the inherently egocentric, subjective intentions — that are harmful to the integral system — and learn how to work, act only when we can use positive intentions — that are useful, constructive for the sake of others, for the sake of the whole collective.
Obviously this is impossible to achieve among billions, millions, thousands, or even hundreds of people at once. But we can practice and successfully learn to live on the level of intentions and then methodically, consciously modify our intentions in small “laboratory-like” environments, or “Human particle accelerators”.
In a group of a maximum of ten people — when all are committed to achieving the same goal of mutually annulling themselves towards the others, to unconditionally start serving each other in order to acquire an unprecedented ability to perceive reality through the desires, needs, and viewpoint of the others while the egotistic self is neutralized — they can create a unique, completely new “quantum-force-field” in between them.
Normally we are fully controlled by our own, inherently egocentric, subjective “gravitational force”, drawing everything towards ourselves and then sorting, filtering from all the attracted data what is interesting, useful for our own, self-serving, self-justifying “pleasure/pain” calculations.
With the above-mentioned method, we can neutralize this inherent gravitational-field and liberate a special, previously unfelt “particle” in us, the selfless, objective Human observer that is unbounded by the egocentric, subjective restrictions of time, space and physical motion.
This way we can learn what “true freedom” is. We will acquire a truly free, infinite, and eternal Human observer, consciousness when we lock up our inherently selfish, egotistic self through mutual self-annulment towards one another.
Recruiting Nature’s primary force
This obviously requires special conditions and an enormous force to neutralize the instinctive Human ego that controls everything in our lives.
In order to neutralize the all-powerful gravitational force-field we were born with — that we received from Nature — we need Nature’s life-giving, life-sustaining evolutionary force. We do not have control over the forces that control us as they do not originate in us.
As we mentioned earlier Nature’s evolution is relentlessly progressing towards an ever-increasing integration of the whole system, above and despite the vast, inherent diversity, apparent incompatibility of its elements, parts.
When we start consciously progressing towards our own integration by wanting to liberate these selfless, objective Human observers that could create the connections above the egotistic, subjective resistance, we start aligning ourselves with nature’s overall direction, goal. By that the all-encompassing evolutionary force-field in Nature, that gave us life, has been invisibly pushing us forward — mostly through blows, crisis situations, recurring vicious historic cycles, and intolerable suffering — suddenly becomes a partnering force we can harness and use purposefully for our advancement.
A completely new Consciousness, Perception of Reality
As soon as we liberated the unique, selfless, and objective Human observer we can enter that unique, virtual space between intention and action in Radin’s experiment. And as now we can calculate, make decisions and act without the inherently egocentric, subjective instincts, we can apply positive, constructive — from the whole system’s point of view — on our actions, changing everything.
And as soon as people acquire this ability in those small environments, “laboratories”, they become able to use their new “quantum ability” towards larger, ever-increasing circles, in greater masses of people
And since in an integral system quantity is more important than quantity, if at least a “critical mass” of people start acting “like particles”, consciously for the sake of the whole system, they can draw, pull others — who are still acting unconsciously as born — towards them, changing the whole system by this.
This is how we will be able to gradually redirect Humanity from an instinctively self-consuming, self-destructive mode, paradigm towards similarity with Nature’s perfect integral system — all existing as free particles, sensing reality tangibly ad realistically above the restrictions of time, space and physical motion.