The foundation for everything
Israel is in turmoil.
For sure, the unprecedented unity the Israel society and world Jewry have shown as a result of the October 7th attacks has been driving Israel’s, so far, successful military response and campaign to remove Hamas as an entity from Gaza. So far, it seems that the same unity and sheer force Israel and the IDF have shown also discouraged Hezbollah from daring a full, frontal attack on the Jewish State.
But the war will end at some point, and even if Israel achieves the strongly proclaimed objective of removing Hamas from Gaza and holding back a Hezbollah offensive — or waging war against Hezbollah, the questions about “What next?” increasingly come up.
And these questions are not only about what happens to Gaza after the war.
There are questions about a potential “Palestinian State,” the Israeli settlements in Judea and Samaria.
There are disturbing questions about Iran, which is the major force behind almost everything that unfolds in and around Israel during this war.
There are questions about the Israeli economy, which suffered greatly as a result of the war, and Israel has a large population close to or under the poverty line.
There are huge questions about Israel’s leadership and its present political parties and orientation.
Then there is Israel’s relationship with the rest of the world, to the neighboring Arab countries, and to the major world powers. After all, Israel cannot exist in isolation; even the IDF is fully reliant on US support to replenish the munition used during the war, not to mention potential support for a war against Hezbollah or even Iran.
Antisemitism is increasing more than at any time in history — including the times before the Second World War — Jews do not feel safe anywhere in the world, even in countries which — for the time being — support Israel’s right to defend itself.
Never before did we face the very open debate in the world if Israel has any right to exist on its Land at all!
When we consider all this — and the successful ending of the Gaza campaign is not even guaranteed yet — it seems that the Jewish Nation is facing a familiar situation when all the cards and odds are stacked against Israel and Jews worldwide.
It is true that this time — in contrast to the Holocaust — Israel has a country with a strong army and a viable, innovative, and flexible economy; how can Israel stand against basically everyone?! How can Israel continue providing security to its citizens while fighting on multiple fronts with an economic situation that will continue worsening for a while?
Only when we look back at Jewish history and also look at the present situation from a historical viewpoint can we find the solution, the root of the solution that is the foundation for everything.
We have just celebrated the Holiday of Hanukkah, which is basically the description of one of the most brutal and important civil wars in Jewish history.
While we usually remember the Maccabees defeating the Greeks to restore the Jewish lifestyle in Judea, the main war was between the “traditional Jews and the so-called Hellenistic Jews who wanted to follow the methods and lifestyle of others while forsaking what makes Jews Jews.
What makes Jews Jews?
A unique, unparalleled, and “supernatural” unity and mutual guarantee that obliges each Jew to become totally and unconditionally responsible for each and every other Jew — above and against the inherently self-serving, self-justifying, egocentric, and individualistic human nature that wants to compete and fight with others to succeed at the expense of others.
This is the legendary “brotherly love” above and despite instinctive “unfounded hatred” that fuels each and every human being.
Since ancient Mesopotamia, when Abraham started collecting the “original Jews” around him, humanity’s development split into two.
That small group of unique, sensitive, and inquisitive people — who become committed to research and reveal reality’s single operating and governing force by willingly and methodically changing and developing themselves until they reach equivalence of form with that force that is characterized as a pure, loving and bestowing force without any care or thought about itself — who followed Abraham, became Jews by the merit of their unique unity and later became the Nation of Israel by the merit of accepting the above mentioned mutual guarantee as their national constitution.
The rest of humanity — Greeks, Romans, and later the Western civilization — developed through the original selfish, egotistic, narcissistic, and exploitative human nature, reaching today’s state of humanity.
While Jews managed to build a country in the Land of Israel together with their “Temple” — that is the symbol of their unity capable of revealing reality’s singular force — with the help of the unique and “supernatural” unity and mutual guarantee, they also went through a lot of turmoils as the inherent human ego that constantly fights against this unity is not static but constantly grows.
The original Nation of Israel lost ten tribes; the Temple was destroyed and then rebuilt as Jews tried to revive and keep their unique unity against the “evil inclination,” the intensifying ego, and “unfounded hatred” that incessantly fought against their unity.
Finally, over two thousand years ago, Jews lost this inner war against themselves, and the “unfounded hatred” led to the destruction of the Second Temple and the scattering and exile of Jews from the ancient homeland.
Even today, despite returning to the Land of Israel, Jews did not and could not revive their original unity and try to build a nation based on the methods of others. Jews stubbornly tried to build a Jewish Nation based on “Hellenistic” principles, trying to become just another Western nation.
This means that a Nation that was built on a spiritual foundation, that was built on partnership with reality’s single operating and governing force based on the unique and “supernatural” original unity, foolishly tries to exist without its original foundations “hoping for the best.”
Here, we have to remember another crucially important fact. The Jewish Nation was not established and “chosen” for its own sake. Jews and the Nation of Israel were born, “naturally selected” by nature’s evolution to become a passageway, a positive example to follow.
Jews need to exist in the Land of Israel as a Nation that is hallmarked by their unity of being “as one man with one heart,” being totally and unconditionally responsible for each other, in order to become the remedy and positive leaders for humanity that is sleepwalking towards self-destruction.
In our modern times, in this globally integrated and totally interdependent world, we have evolved into only the original Jewish unity and mutual guarantee — each and everyone making calculations and actions only for the sake of others and the sake of the whole — while allowing others to fulfill one’s natural and rightful necessities — can offer humanity a solution from the seemingly inevitable “death-spiral” we are all in.
There is no other solution for Israel’s mounting problems and the global problems the whole world is facing but the original Jewish unity and mutual guarantee since only this Jewish method can create compatibility between human beings and nature’s all-encompassing, lawful, and deterministic system.
Nature works based on mutual integration and mutually complementing cooperation that resembles Jewish unity — more precisely, the original Jewish method resembles nature. After all, the original Jews or forefathers were not mystical or religious characters or leaders. They were the truest, most original empirical natural scientists who revealed reality’s singular operating and governing force by becoming similar to it.
Thus, this Jewish method has nothing to do with politics, ideology, mysticism, or religion. It is a method that is rooted in the most fundamental laws of nature, following evolution’s plan, which has a unique, predetermined role for human beings in reality.
And Jews have the unique, predetermined role of assisting and drawing humanity toward our evolutionary role and function with the help of their method.
Only by actively showcasing this Jewish method to others by becoming like the original Nation of Israel in the Land of Israel, living by the original mutual guarantee, can Israel find solutions for its mounting problems while turning the whole world on its side.