The evolutionary changes we need to go through

Zsolt Hermann
3 min readSep 10, 2021


Opinion from the Internet about changes in us, in humanity:

“I can't relate much to this topic of necessary changes. What is the “change” imagined here? I don't see this in relation to political paradigms and measures of the status quo. That's not how it works, I don’t think.

You won’t hear about the people who are currently “changing”, because we’re outliers of the social strata, we operate on levels that are not glorified. We are the weird loners. We do things our own way, which is different; which is a “change” from the norm. Literally.

I personally have always seen the big picture from my own perspective. This has actually given me the thought space to pay attention to the things that don't sit right with me and so on.

But also, I just don't vibe with others; I don't mind it but generally, people don't like that when you don't share the same worldview on even a basic level. People are quick to get offended nowadays at differences of opinion or perspective.

I just keep to myself, and thus I can think and operate so much better, and with less “mental resistance” due to the stresses of other’s insanity, and that lack of creative freedom due to overall negativity in the world. I refuse to get caught up in that stuff.

The current paradigm is the oppression of the mind by means of confusion. Figure it out. You cant force positive change. Especially with any form of government.

I'll give a hint: pay close attention to what your leaders tell you, and the WORDS they use. Break it down into a concept you understand, true to the definition, and see if it checks out.

Were being manipulated with word magic, i.e. neural-linguistic programming.”

The initial question was not mine, I simply responded to it, so the changes the initial asker and I were talking about are very different.

All the changes in humanity — on a personal or collective level — so far has been “single-dimensional” always according to the instinctive calculations of the self-serving, self-justifying, subjective, and exploitative human ego. I, we change when it is good to us, especially if by that I, we succeed at the expense of others — knowingly, unknowingly.

And this is true regardless of what form the changes are clothed into — political, ideological, philosophical, religious, economic, or cultural.

Today we are obligated to go through very different changes — from the inherently “single-cell”, subjective, egoistic, and individualistic human existence towards a “multi-cellular”, selfless, mutually responsible and mutually complementing collective existence.

This is not obligated by any arbitrary human ideology, philosophy, religion, or science. This is obligated by Nature’s laws that sustain the balance and homeostasis life depends on, and by evolution’s relentless drive towards a most optimal mutual integration in Nature’s system.

Thus we have no choice in the matter since we can’t suppress, change Nature’s laws and evolution’s direction even with our wildest dreams and illusions. And we can’t escape Earth — and even if we could the same laws operate all across the Universe.

But we can consciously, proactively, in advance start changing ourselves, forming the crucially necessary mutual integration our survival depends on through a special, purposeful, and practical educational, scientific method that can facilitate such changes through positive motivation, helping people to understand and feel that the changes are highly beneficial for all of us.

Then we will not need the coercive pressure from Nature in the form of recurring crisis situations and intolerable suffering forcing us to change.

What current leaders, “experts” are doing is completely irrelevant, they are the sorriest people on the planet, still stubbornly, vehemently believing in their control, that they are directing things when at the same time everything is slipping through their fingers.



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.