The “divide and conquer” strategy is going out of fashion…
Question from the Internet:
“What is the best strategy to counter a Divide and Conquer strategy?”
In order to counter the “divide and conquer” strategy we need to change the mindset that applies it.
Although this strategy is mostly attributed to the Anglo-Saxon diplomacy, they simply applied it most effectively through history.
But this strategy, and all other strategies that try to weaken others so we could overcome them, rule over them, is the strategy of our inherently egocentric, self-serving nature, that thrives on succeeding at the expense of others.
Thus it is this innate inclination in us that we need to “counter”, through a unique, purposeful and practical educational method, that can help us understand and actually feel that working together, building mutually responsible, mutually complementing cooperation between us is much more advantageous - in a globally interconnected, interdependent world - then ruthlessly competing against one another.