The difference between human beings and cancer
Question from the Internet:
“Why is ‘growth’ seen as a good thing? It is surely inimical to any attempts to reduce the damage we are inflicting on our poor planet and ‘Ephemeralisation’ — doing more with less — should surely be our development aim now, not using more resources.”
Our inherently self-serving, self-justifying, subjective, and egocentric nature makes us behave like cancer with an insatiable desire for selfish pleasures, profit way beyond our true necessities.
This is why our lives revolve around quantitative growth, always aiming to become greater, stronger, wealthier, more powerful, especially if by that we are better, higher, more respected than others, we can control the lives of others.
This is how we are born, each and every human — knowingly, unknowingly is driven by the same software, we differ only in the “inner hunger”, in the “willingness to sacrifice” ourselves and others to reach whatever we want.
The difference between humans and cancer in the body is that we can become conscious of our own self-destructive inner program and we can actually change ourselves.
Humanity has the unique evolutionary next step, replicating what single-cell organisms did hundreds of millions of years ago, evolving into multi-cellular organisms for the obvious evolutionary advantage.
Now we have to achieve the same incredible feat, but in our case, it will be a conscious decision and action — prompted either by increasing, finally intolerable suffering or by conscious education and methodical implementation.
Then we will shift our focus from quantitative growth to qualitative growth, like when we shift from childhood to adulthood with more mature development. This shift will focus on building and sustaining the crucially important mutually responsible and mutually complementing interconnections and cooperation between individuals and nations.
This way we will create a Human “superorganism” that will become similar to, integrated into Nature’s integral system as a result of the acquired similarity.
Then we will fully understand Nature’s laws that sustain balance and homeostasis, we will fully sense what our natural necessities and available resources are. We will become Nature’s only integrated but independent internal observers and partners, by that fulfilling our predetermined, evolutionary Human purpose in life.
Again, the question, our free choice in the matter relates only to the manner we reach this purpose, through suffering, blindly, or by conscious, proactive development.