The conditions for building a better, sustainable Human society
Opinion from the Internet:
“If we could somehow collectively decide that we would live in a more feudal way, it might be better. Minus any class system of course. The disparity we see today is due to driving an individualistic mentality in each of us by everything we see in the media.”
In order to find the right solution we have to put the cause and effect process in the right order.
For example how today’s society is built, how the media is working is the result of the egocentric, individualistic, self-serving, ruthlessly competition Human ego that had been growing, intensifying through history.
Which means that we can’t rewind the movie, development, progress, evolution relentlessly moves on.
Thus we need to find a way of learning how to balance, harness the ever growing, irrepressible ego which will continue to grow. We can’t suppress, erase the ego, our insatiable desire for existence, for selfish fulfillment, as we have nothing else, it is our life-force, engine.
A cancer-cell is not evil, but it lost control of its growth, it has lost its integration with the rest of the body, this is why it starts growing, consuming in a random, haphazard, destructive manner.
This is exactly how Humans live, exist, as we don’t feel our obligatory integration in Human society, and we don’t feel Humanity’s obligatory integration, intrinsic role in Nature. We are born with that sense of integration, as we feel only ourselves against a seemingly hostile world.
Thus no external solutions can work, no political ideology, economic system, social arrangement can work until we help people to understand and actually feel the mutual integration, interdependence. We need to achieve this unprecedented sense of integration, interdependence through the right education, upbringing.
And then through that — as we reach at least a partial similarity with Nature — we will start to feel Nature’s system, its laws from within, and we will understand our predetermined individual and collective role in it.
Then we will be able to rebuild Human system according to Nature’s template, we will know how to channel, harness the Ego towards mutually responsible, positive, constructive development.