The common goal and purpose of humanity
Question from the Internet:
“Are there any common goals for all humans?”
Yes, we have a common purpose and role in Nature’s system that is predetermined by evolution.
We have to become “truly Human”, which means to become similar to Nature’s system above and against our instinctive nature.
Inherently we are all egocentric, subjective and individualistic; we all make calculations solely for our own sake. As a result, we knowingly or unknowingly succeed at the expense of others and Nature while pursuing ruthless competition and the excessive accumulation of profit, resources and possessions for ourselves.
This inherent nature makes us exist and behave like cancer in Nature’s finely balanced and mutually integrated system. In Nature, all elements — apart from human beings — instinctively and selflessly subjugate themselves to the system, exist and make calculations only to facilitate and sustain the general balance and homeostasis that life depends on.
Human beings need to reach the same “Nature-like” mutual integration and similarity with Nature consciously, willingly and proactively above and against our inherent nature.
This will make us “truly Human”, integrated but at the same time independent observers and equal partners of Nature. We will tangibly and realistically feel as if we designed and governed the whole system as a result.
This is our common goal and the purpose of our Human life and development. Until we reveal and fulfil this role and purpose, we will just waste everything, including our lives, and consume and destroy everything around us and ourselves as well.