The choice about the future is in our hands
Many people are realizing that the pandemic will change the future of Humanity. But this is not going to be a passive process.
Covid-19 will change us exactly how we choose to be changed.
We can say that this is the first time Humanity has a truly free choice about our future direction, about our development.
The pandemic and the unprecedented pause, “time-out” stopped us just before a total collapse that would have happened anyway, with or without the virus as our present socio-economic system is unsustainable and has been on artificial life-support for decades.
Thus now that we have recognized this, as we can already see what economic, financial crisis, social unrest, even wars await us beyond the pandemic, we can choose our next step.
We can choose to blindly, stubbornly return to our old ways, continuing our excessive overproduction, overconsumption, servicing debt by taking even greater debt on ourselves while exclusively surviving at each other expense, and see what happens…
Or we can choose to make radical changes in the way we relate, connect to each other, learning how to build mutually responsible, mutually complementing connections, cooperation above everything that keeps us apart, rejects us from each other. We can also learn how to secure basic, normal, healthy, Human natural necessities for all through a temporary, transitional period and then rebuild our economy, lifestyle on such natural necessities, and available natural and Human resources.
Even if a small, critical mass of people make the right choice we can prevent even greater blows, crises to cause terrible suffering for billions of people as such a small group of pioneers will be able to pull the rest behind them.