The characteristics of a globalized world

Zsolt Hermann
2 min readApr 17, 2021


Question from the Internet:

“What are the characteristics of a globalized world?”

The most important characteristics of the globalized world are full integration and total interdependence on each other. And there is one more, improbably the most important characteristic: globalization is not man-made, it is an evolutionary, survival necessity.

The well-known expression of the “survival of the fittest” does not mean the survival of the strongest, most brutal, the most clever, or wealthiest — as we like to interpret it as a result of our inherently egoistic, self-justifying, individualistic nature.

Survival of the fittest means the fittest to integrate into the system, the fittest to become compatible with nature’s balance and homeostasis.

Humanity is the only species in nature that was born outside of the natural balance, given free reign to recklessly consume, destroy everything like cancer — to a certain point. We have reached that threshold of imminent self-destruction by behaving like cancer, or drug addicts.

This “rogue” human nature was also purposeful by evolution, giving humanity an unparalleled ability for free choice and helping us to take our own human development into our own hands — after we consciously recognized that we need to change ourselves, we need to upgrade our own nature.

Until now we tried to change the world and other people around us to fit our inherently selfish, egoistic, and subjective calculations. From now on we have to gradually learn how to make calculations only for the benefit, well-being of the whole collective, and nature’s system in general.

First, we will do so as a result of having no other choice, as without mutual cooperation, mutually complementing interconnections we will not survive.

But then, as we get used to a qualitatively much higher, collective existence, becoming like individual cells comprising a unique human “superorganism”, with an unprecedented collective intelligence that dwarfs any AI or quantum computing we can imagine, we will understand the gift evolution gave us and our present individualistic, selfish, fragmented and extremely limited life will seem like a nightmare.



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.