The changes we have to go through
An opinion from the Internet:
You wrote: “Trying to change ourselves with the technology we developed is like trying to lift ourselves by pulling our own hair.” — I respectfully disagree.
Trying to change ourselves with the technology we developed is like trying to lift ourselves by pushing a button in the elevator we have built and — wait for it — that’s exactly how you lift yourself. Technology redefines the human condition from the very beginning. The agricultural revolution redefined the human race from hunter-gatherers to something new and unprecedented. The invention of written text provided us with ways to share our thoughts and knowledge with people we never have the chance to physically meet (because of the distance in time), the printing press has provided us with ways to share our thoughts and knowledge with people we are not able to meet (because we are limited to be present at one place at a time), and digital communication has provided us with ways to share our thoughts and knowledge and also interact with people we are not able to meet because of physical distance. Those are feats already redefining the human condition in themselves, but only a small portion of what technology can do for us.
You are right in a way, after all, nobody can deny the enormous changes we went through in history, how our culture, society developed, how our physical abilities developed.
But I was not talking about such “external changes”.
On the inside, regarding our “operating software”, being 100% subjective, egocentric, individualistic, and exploitative, we did not change. Instead, our hunger, our insatiable desire for more, our tendency to consume everything and everybody for selfish gain, profit, pleasure only grew.
This is why we find ourselves on the brink of self-destruction despite our technological development. We have such weapons that — even a small percentage of them — can destroy the planet, we have all our science and instruments and we are helpless against the virus as we are helpless against climate change, loss of food and water supply, and we are definitely helpless against our societies falling apart.
We will sleepwalk into a global meltdown — that can start from multiple different causes in multiple different locations any time — unless we change ourselves — within.
And this change — correcting, upgrading the basic software, the cancer-like ego that drives us — we cannot do with our technology which we also use only to serve the ego. Here we need to “turn to Nature”, learn how to use evolution’s force — that drives the whole system towards most optimal integration — to change the very nature we also received from evolution.
“Survival of the fittest” from Nature’s point of view the fittest to integrate and become mutually responsible, mutually complementing part of the system. It is time to humbly, wisely follow Nature’s viewpoint.
And it is this conscious, willing self-change that will make us truly Human, consciously adapting ourselves to Nature above our “unnatural” instincts.