The (changed) Eye of the Beholder
Inherently egocentric, subjective perception
We see, sense, perceive everything in a self-centered, subjective manner.
We are like a very strong gravitational field that draws everything towards itself, distorting, filtering all in order to serve a limited, personal perception of reality. From all the available data our egocentric personal computer filters out only what it uses to chart a narrow, individualistic day to day survival on a completely self-serving “pleasure/pain calculation”.
Our sensory organs are tuned individualistically and how we compute, digest what we perceive is also sorted, assessed, arranged individualistically as it fits our own program.
This way we are cut off “true reality”, living in an illusory bubble, sensing a hostile, mostly dark world where we have to compete, fight with others for survival, resources.
Is there any way of breaking out of this bubble, can we ever access a theoretically perfect, unlimited dimension of reality as many ancient philosophies, religions, Wisdom describes?
Do we have any possibility to acquire an objective viewpoint of reality and learn about the actual world live in, who we are, and what our role is in this world?
Changing the Viewpoint
Obviously we cannot change the “beholder”, the observer that attains reality, otherwise, we would lose our “self”. But as unique, original, empirical natural scientists explain, we can change the “eye”, the viewpoint through which we perceive reality.
And these scientists did not just tell us that it is possible, but they also built a practical method for anybody interested to acquire that unique, truly objective observer viewpoint.
The basic idea is “simple”. If I learn how to sense, experience, view reality through the desires, needs, viewpoints of others, I can escape my inherently limited, subjective, distorted vision. That way I can open up and “holographic”, multi-viewpoint, multi-angled, infinite resolution picture instead of the simple, lifeless, single-dimensional, black and white picture I see now.
The implementation of this method is very difficult though. From birth we are locked into our personal bubble, we are brought up in it, we are educated accordingly. All our foundations, security, beliefs, confidence in life is based on this egotistic, subjective illusion we call our world.
Thus escaping it means like jumping into space, into a vacuum without any handles, safety belts, even without oxygen. How would that be possible, how could one just float in an infinite vacuum, like those who are placed into total sensory deprivation?!
Existing, Perceiving through Others
This is why achieving the unique, selfless, objective observer point is impossible without a special environment, where we can “borrow”, use the emotional impressions, desires, needs, intellect of others, learning to see reality through them, swapping our own “eyes” and “heart” to theirs. If it is done with the right intention of unconditionally serving those others, caring for them without selfish calculations the switch happens.
This way the pitch dark transition, the loss of consciousness, floating in a vacuum is momentary, like the split-second a switch is flicked — if we use the given method properly. According to the right methodology even before this switch is flicked we can already build such mutual trust, mutual bond in the appropriate environment that when the time comes we are ready and willing to literally throw ourselves into the “arms” — reality — of the others.
But the reward is very great. By this “jump,” we enter a completely new, indescribable sense of consciousness and perception, a dimension of reality without the usual, egocentric, and subjective limitations of time, space and physical motion. The liberated “beholder” endlessly roam reality from “eye to eye”, desire to desire that one borrows from others, living through them for them selflessly, boundlessly.