The change from “anthropocentric” to “naturocentric”
Question from the Internet:
“As anthropocentric people, what should we do about global climate change?”
In order to do something about global climate change, first, we need to shift from being anthropocentric to “naturocentric”.
While we are “anthropocentric” we make all our calculations based on our inherently egocentric, subjective, self-serving internal program, and as a result we behave like cancer in Nature’s fully integrated and interdependent system.
Instead, we need to learn to look at, experience life from Nature’s point of view, fully understanding the strict, unchanging Natural laws that sustain the balance and homeostasis like depends on. Then we will be able to refine ourselves, our behavior, our goals in order to become compatible with the Natural system our life depends on.
Only then will we be able to understand all the puzzling, threatening natural phenomena affecting our lives and find the right solutions to mitigate them, to even use Nature’s awesome forces in a positive, constructive way.