The Capitalistic Human Being in Nature’s Communistic System
Communism is against our nature
Based on historic data Communism has failed as a stable, sustainable socio-economic system.
This is because Communism is against our inherently raw Capitalistic nature.
While we are inherently self-serving, self-justifying and make calculations, succeed, survive at the expense of others, Communism requires people to give up individual possessions, individual calculations and basically become a grey cogwheel in a huge system.
Communism was pushed on people, nations coercively and those regimes inevitably became oppressive, terrorizing their own people.
Capitalism had failed to build stable societies
The problem is that Capitalism is also unsuitable for building stable, equal, peaceful societies, as it doesn’t matter how we try to restrain, channel our selfish egos, sooner or later those who make it to the top in a Capitalistic system want to squeeze everything out of everybody and everything until the society can’t take it anymore and breaks, explodes.
We ourselves have reached this breaking point in our generation.
Nature is Communistic
Moreover, Nature, that all-encompassing system we are born from and are still integral parts of, is fully Communistic, otherwise, it wouldn’t be able to sustain the crucial balance, homeostasis life, optimal development depends on.
We can see how it works clearly by observing our own biological bodies with its system of cells, organs.
And as integral parts of Nature, we would also need to adapt to its iron laws, integration in order to survive in it.
So how on Earth can we adapt a raw Capitalistic Human being into Nature’s Communistic system without coercion, without suppressing, erasing individuality, uniqueness, personal possessions?!
If we can’t figure this out, we will continue our haplessly, inevitably recurring vicious historic cycles - blindly running from left to right, right to left - until we completely self-destruct!
We need Integral Education
This is why we urgently need a unique, “Integral Education”, a method which can teach us, help us actually feel why it is worthwhile to use our individualism, unique abilities, desire for profit, insatiable desire for more for the sake is the collective, instead of amassing the profit only for ourselves.
This method is not built on political agendas, ideologies, religions or spiritual teachings, but on Nature’s original blueprints.
It’s most important part is to give the participants a realistic, tangible sense that in closed, integral Natural system - like Humanity for example - the success, health, prosperity, and survival of the individual equals the success, health, prosperity and survival of the whole collective, since we are all inevitably integrated with each other, and we all totally depend on one another.
This education is a gradual process without any coercion or misleading propaganda, in order to give people the chance to taste it, get used to it, accept it willingly, out of their free choice, through positive motivation, and by positive examples, positive emotional impressions.
Best of both worlds
In the end each can use their individual uniqueness, best abilities - for the sake of all. Each one can have their own private possessions, private life - as long as it remains within the optimal parameters of natural necessities and available resources.
And those parameters won’t be decided by politicians, paid experts, but we will automatically feel the optional parameters by becoming similar to Nature’s system, feeling what’s necessary and available effortlessly as all other parts of Nature when they are integrated with it.
This is the only realistic, practical path towards collective Human survival in Nature’s all-encompassing, totally integrated, and interdependent system.
If we make it we will enjoy “best of both worlds”, using our individual uniqueness, best abilities for the sake of the collective through mutually responsible, mutually complementing connections!