The Architect of our Desires
Most people would think, say that their desires come from themselves, they want, yearn for something, so they themselves are the architects of their desires.
Others, who are a bit more knowledgable about Human nature, about how much we all influence each other would say that our desires, goals, aspirations come from the environment we exist in, as we are the product of our environments. So they would say that it is the environment that is the architect of our desires.
But there is an even deeper layer!
Existence equals desire. To exist means to want. We sense existence, ourselves living through wanting to exist, wanting to live, survive, and fulfill our various needs, yearnings. If we did not have any actual desires, empty needs requiring fulfillment we would not feel ourselves existing!
This “primordial” desire, need, constant, insatiable lack is “creation”, the engine installed in us by Nature, or the source, the origin behind Nature’s system. And Nature or the source behind it is constantly providing us with fulfillment through various channels, means.
In earlier times, when Humans were in a raw, direct relationship with Nature it was clearer since people obtained everything they needed directly from Nature’s system and its resources. Today in our complex, modern societies it is much murkier, as seemingly there are multiple sources, production lines we use to fulfill our needs, desires, seemingly we ourselves create fulfillment for ourselves.
But in truth this is just a facade, at the end of the day we still obtain all our resources, fulfillment from Nature’s system in relation to our true necessities. What we seemingly create, most of our production is completely artificial and obsolete, but even those things are various manipulation, combinations of Nature’s resources and Nature’s blueprints which we twist and combine to fulfill our artificially generated (aggregate demand) desires for them.
In general, we can group our desires into instinctive, “animate” and acquired, social desires: food, sex and family and wealth, power, fame, and knowledge.
We are all driven, we all exist, survive through chasing these desires and their variations, “sub-desires” in our unique, personal composite.
How these desires appear in us depend on 4 factors: genetic inheritance, upbringing, education, and environmental influence. Thus in an adult that has gone through upbringing and education already, the actual environment one exists in determines how the basic group of desires change, motivate one towards certain values, goals, and aspirations.
According to this, we can correctly examine where our desires come from and how we can perfectly fulfill them.
Our “matter”, the engine of existence is an insatiable need, desire for survival, fulfillment. This desire in us was “created”, installed in us by Nature’s system which wants to fulfill us perfectly, infinitely according to the laws of Thermodynamics.
In between us and Nature, we have the Human environment as a buffer separating us from Nature. How our natural desires appear, in what form we want to receive fulfillment from Nature depends on the environment that determines our goals, aspirations, values.
By default we are all egocentric, subjective, we want to receive everything including happiness, pleasures only for ourselves, even at the expense of others. As we already know from historic experience and the events of our own lives, this kind of self-fulfillment brings only transient pleasures, transient sense of satiation, strife, and conflict with others. And especially in our times the more we receive, the more pleasure with stuff into ourselves the emptier, more depressed, frustrated we become.
But through building a different environment we can learn how to receive pleasures, fulfillment only for the sake of others, in a completely selfless, altruistic, unconditionally serving form, building an “infinite”, mutual network where fulfillment, pleasure, and happiness can freely circulate between the members of that environment as nobody is arresting the flow for themselves.
This would enable, enliven an unprecedented, perfect flow, similar to nature’s circle of life, where we could all become able to observe, feel all the energy, bounty, all the Natural forces streaming through us towards others.
Since we achieve this state consciously, purposefully by our own efforts above and against the original egocentric, selfish reception of fulfillment, even after integrating into the selfless, altruistic network we would retain an independent, objective viewpoint, capable of sensing, researching, attaining this perfect flow.
As a result, we could become completely aware of our relationship with the Natural system that created and continually fulfills us. Moreover, through this relationship, we would also understand why the “architect” of our primordial desire gave us life, that our own role is in this “relationship”, what role, what purpose we need to fulfill in nature’s perfect system