The 2020 WWIII Global Biologic War = Is The New 50–50 Balance between Nature and Humanity
A new story from my dear friend, Ernest Itzkovitch from Toronto:
This is not another article about Corona — but a “Game Changer from the old/pre-corona corporeal laws to the new Integrated Global Reality based on the “Laws of Nature”.
Our reality has been changed from “Physical Engagement to Virtual Connection (brand new world). Step by step, slowly but surely and “better late than never” — each of us individually and all of us together will start to realize and get used to the fact that the change already happened, it is here and is not going away any time soon (maybe forever ?) — and the old world is a nostalgic and outdated history that the Corona changed it big time.
PDCA/Plan, Do Check Act/Adjust Circle — is the most famous and traditional four-step management method used in businesses for monitoring continuous improvements of projects, processes, and products. The PDCA also known as PDSA/Plan, Do, Study Act — named and referred to Dr. Edward Deming, Dr. Walter Shewhart, Dr. Kauro Ishikawa — the Top Global Management Systems Guru’s in the last century with a heritage of TQM & ISO 9000 Standards.
Cumulative experience based on “Lean Manufacturing” concepts — added another version of PDCA called OPDCA. The added “O” stands for “Observation”. Yes — OBSERVATION !!!
Scientific research and experimental development show, that “a person who is observing an experiment is affecting the results of the experiment” even without being aware of it?
How come a person that does not touch/far away from the experiment can change the results?
If I understand correctly, the “Power of Thought”, is an invisible part of Nature’s Force. Similar to “Force of Gravity”, that we can’t see or feel until an object is falling down (why not falling up ?)
(Just as a friendly memory jogger who finished high school a long time ago, Gravity is the centrifugal force caused by Earth’s rotation and may vary in latitude in different areas).
How OPDSA may affect us from 2020 and onwards? A tricky question > no simple answer.
We already can “Observe Together/try and see” — that Corona is Global, Around the World,
Integral and affects the “Whole Humanity As One”, exactly as Mother Nature presented to us.
Now we have a golden opportunity to share our good thoughts, intentions, plans, and actions.
50% of Nature and 50% of Humanity. Our futuristic plans may be wiser/smarter and probably may be more realistic if we will make a self-assessment and adjust our plans accordingly. We have to take into consideration and our risk assessments and business plans have to make sure to ask Nature’s approval also — by the means of optimal calculations — basic needs and operation costs.
Future profits — may have a new definition or upgraded formulas with new values on top/instead of the traditional “supply-demand” curves — taking another look/direction after the Corona Crisis.
Do you remember/recall the 50–50 Laws of Nature?
Humanity has to “Ask Mother Nature gently and friendly with the right intention toward others?”
Yep — our lifetime experience shows/proves, that “My and Our Endless Joy and Pleasure comes/returns back to me after thinking/asking/doing good deeds for others”. Since Humanity is Nature’s Top Level creatures — we should behave and reach balance to be similar to Nature.
In order to understand the new term/meaning of “Balance With Nature”, I would take the example of” Peace in the World”. Is it a theory (based on our experience — the answer is Yes)
or is it practical but not achievable at the moment, because of the conflict of Global interests?
If we will understand that the “World is One” and the Countries in the world are similar like “the organs of a human body” — when you heard last time that the organs of the human body are fighting with each other? “I heard — that human organs feeding and helping each other to live”.
“End of Action Stem from Initial Thought” — this quote entails the whole concept in plain English.
If we would take into consideration and agree that our driving force is our ego (greed/desire to
receive) — it can be upgraded big time through balance with Nature by cooperation vs. competition. In my personal opinion/logic or “Perception of Reality” — the Quality of our good life
depends on us only. How to do it? Ask your family, friends, and your neighbors- and their needs.
On the big/Global Picture — “Peace in The World” is a practical possibility — and seems that Corona will trigger the whole world to double-check and examine their relations — toward mutual consideration, concession, cooperation, collaboration. Sounds weird? No, it is our new reality !!!