Thank you very much for your beautiful and thoughtful answer. I agree with you fully.
We can’t build anything on philosophy, we can’t build anything on morality, we can build anything on very down-to-earth, realistic foundations.
Moreover, you are also right about the healthy self-interest and egocentric, subjective survival reflex and calculations we all live by.
So how can we make a transition to a globally integrated human society a reality?
Only by helping people not only understand but tangibly, “viscerally” feel what it means that we have evolved into a globally integrated and interdependent world, where I simply cannot survive unless I also safeguard the survival of everybody else, like between cells of the same body.
This will happen regardless of what we think or imagine.
Global integration is forced on us by nature’s laws and the whole system around us. If we do not agree to adapt ourselves to mutually beneficial global integration it will be intolerable suffering that will convince us. This process has already started, we have everyday examples through the pandemic, the Ukrainian war, socioeconomic problems, climate change and many other issues and it will only get worse as long as we still base everything on pure egocentric self-interest without taking others into consideration.
On the other hand, through the right educational method, we can actually recognize and again realistically feel that we simply exist in a world where my self-interest equals the interest of everybody else’s.