Thank you for your response and the article that you linked.
I fully agree with your thoughts and suggestions, except, that in our present form we are incapable of implementing them.
After all, we have already tried many different, “good-looking” ideologies, philosophies, everything we could imagine based on our understanding of the world and ourselves.
But we keep ignoring the “elephant in the room”, our own inherently self-serving, self-justifying, subjective, and exploitative individualism. Even when we recognize such qualities we recognize them in others, honestly thinking that we ourselves are “good guys”.
We have absolutely no chance of building a better, sustainable human society until everybody recognizes, accepts this “cancer-like” nature, program in themselves. Only then can we start the appropriate remedy — each changing, fine-tuning, correcting themselves instead of correcting, coercing, canceling others, or trying to implement laws, systems that pressure, force people to behave in a certain way.
No changes that require coercion, misleading propaganda can become sustainable, only when people — at least a critical mass — willingly agrees to the changes (self-changes) and starts to implement them with their free choice, fully consciously, aware of what they are doing, only then can we become successful.
Then the corrected, upgraded human beings can build a better society as they will be able to build the necessary mutually responsible, mutually complementing interconnections, cooperation Then they will also accept that “equality” is relative, since we are all vastly different, with various abilities, talents, and conditions that suit different roles and purposes in the mosaic of society.
Thus changing human society has to start with changing, upgrading, educating the human being according to their ways, states, conditions.