Taking control of the inevitable changes
First of all, nothing is static in the world, we are in constant renewal all the time even if we do not feel it. We are in Nature’s system that is constantly evolving.
But the Covid-19 pandemic truly represents a change, a huge jump in Human evolution.
So far we have been developing blindly, passively, being pushed by suffering, intolerable crisis situations, through the helplessly recurring historic vicious cycles where we have been unaware the need for changes but evolution kept pushing us forward by making the actual state unsustainable so we had to change and move again.
But as we are approaching our own civilization-ending crisis and predictable, seemingly inevitable explosion — which in our generation would unfold on a truly devastating, global scale — a huge number of people became aware that we can’t let things unfold instinctively as before.
We can already hear the war trumpets, how nations, people are collecting the excuses, justifications, and allies for world war, how the present — desperately helpless leaders — want to try the only known historic “solution” for a crisis situation we are in (with economic, financial collapse, societal breakdown): WAR.
And as the actual US example shows, it is still very easy to incite, mobilize the masses who haven’t learned how to think for themselves, how to take personal, collective responsibility for their actions, and are still willing to submit themselves to “remote control”.
And this kind of remote control - pulling people on the streets for “demonstrations”, “making their voices heard”, while manipulating public opinion through the mass media, and then hijacking all for different, ulterior motives - will repeat itself all over the world until it will completely spiral out of control. There is so much anger, hopelessness, frustration, emptiness — especially after the quarantine — in people that hate, anger cannot be “cleverly” controlled any longer.
Whoever incites, the force will rebound to them multi-fold!
We need to change!
We need to take our Human development into our own hands. We need to understand the inherently selfish, hateful, exploitative energy, inclination, intentions that are innate in all of us. At the same time, we also need to understand what Nature’s evolution expects from us as Human beings, why we were born with such a nature, and how we need to handle, channel, neutralize the enormous forces inside us.
And this will not happen through political, economic, social, or militant ways, we won’t achieve anything by going on the streets, by letting others use our animalistic instincts to make us hate each other — it is time to learn how to become Human beings!
We need a unique educational method that can explore and correct our original “program”, so we become compatible with each other through positive, mutually responsible and mutually complementing integration and by that integrating with Nature’s system, instead of guaranteed, total self-destruction in this generation!