Symptomatic treatment makes things only worse
Question from the Internet:
“Does social media evolves for society or does society evolves for media?”
We need to look at the cause and effect chain.
We live in a society that is built by, built for our inherently self-serving, self-justing, egocentric and individualistic nature, that thrives on ruthless, exclusive competition, success, survival at the expense of others.
The values, goals, aspirations of society, the economic, social, governing structures, the media, entertainment and social media all reflect that.
So if we want to change anything, we need to change the root cause, the engine. It is completely pointless trying to change anything on the consequences level without changing our nature, returning, fine tuning how we relate to each other and to the world.
This is why we are failing in all our solutions - while sinking ever deeper into crisis - since we ignore, or don’t want to touch the root cause. And our symptomatic treatment - changing things through politics, economy, blaming, reforming the media, restricting social media - only makes everything worse.
This is why we need to learn how to use the Human ego - our irrepressible, all-powerful engine - harne, channeling it towards positive, mutual goals, purpose.