Sustainable development
Question from the Internet:
“Sustainable development conserves and promotes both humans and the Earth. How can you justify this statement?”
It depends on what we mean by “sustainable development”. The notion of “sustainability” is used so widely and matter-of-factly, as if everybody understood its meaning and how to do it.
At the same time, what we see in real life, is that we keep overconsuming and destroying everything like cancer. We see that each individual tries to grab and accumulate everything for oneself as much as one can, while we all — knowingly or unknowingly — try to survive and succeed at the expense of others.
Even when we say we act “for nature”, we do so according to our own, inherently self-serving, self-justifying, and individualistic understanding and intentions. In fact, we cannot act and behave in any other way!
We are all born with a 100% egocentric, subjective, and individualistic worldview and approach to life. We simply cannot make any calculations beyond self-interest, we are not even interested in anything else but what serves our own introverted “pleasure/pain” calculations.
And we define “development” as constant quantitative growth, which is also a hallmark of cancer.
The statement is true. Unless we learn and implement “sustainable existence and development” we will not survive. Unless we learn how to exist and behave according to our true, modern, comfortable, and natural necessities, within available resources, we will not survive.
But we do not have the knowledge and necessary faculties to determine those measurements and boundaries for ourselves in our default form, with our default “inner program”.
First, we have to become similar to nature’s finely balanced and mutually integrated system. Then, through the achieved similarity, we will start to understand how nature’s system and its mutual integration works, what our own role and purpose are in the system, and how we can sustain the general balance and homeostasis — that life depends on — in the most optimal way.
This requires a unique, purposeful, and practical method that is based on nature’s laws, principles, and evolution’s deterministic plan. We need to abandon our arbitrary and misguided ideologies, philosophies, and faith systems that are all based on our original nature that is incompatible with nature’s mutual integration.
Most importantly, we need to learn and implement this method together, in mutually committed and mutually complementing environments, since only through our own, nature-like, mutual integration can we achieve that similarity with nature’s system.
Then, we will start our sustainable, natural, and successful human existence and development, in partnership with nature, as the system’s only fully conscious, integrated, and at the same time independent observers.