Society in the era of the “Last Generation” — in the era of a Global, Integral Humanity
Born as Egocentric, Self-Serving
While we believe the opposite, we are simply not programmed to help others unconditionally without some reward, positive feedback, recognition.
We are programmed to accumulate maximum profit for ourselves, and it is even better if we do that by succeeding at the expense of others.
We care about the “betterment of the world” only if it affects the small segment we live in, if otherwise, I can’t continue my life as usual, like I will finance a road for my city if that helps me to get to where I want to, Otherwise I do not care.
On the other hand, we are also programmed to feel shame if others give us unconditionally and we can’t reciprocate. It lowers us, destroys our self-esteem.
These are traits we are all born with, they are ion us by nature, thus they are neither condemned nor praised.
So this situation is not simple.
Reorganizing Humanity through Education
We need to reorganize Human society (which is a global society in our days) in a way that people get recognition, respect by giving to others when such actions are extolled and made the most respectful in society.
We also have to make sure that those who receive have the ability to somehow reciprocate, merit what they receive according to their conditions, so they do not receive alms, donations but they feel they receive as cells in the body receive from other organs, systems, and although a small cell can give back to the system very little, from the point of view of its conditions qualitatively it gives as much as the bigger cell or organ that quantitatively gives more.
These are only some of the basic foundations of a new, more stable, more equal, and mutually complementing, mutually responsible society we have to build in the new Human era that is starting with our generation. And in order to get to actual implementation, we need a unique, purposeful and practical educational method that can make us understand and actually feel why we all benefit from such arrangements.