Since we exist in a Natural world governed by strict laws, we have to comply whether we want it or not

Zsolt Hermann
2 min readNov 23, 2020

Opinion from the Internet about Humanity:

“You keep talking about “our inherently egocentric, self-serving, exploitative qualities, program” in relation to Human beings.

We are social primates we evolved in groups. We all have egos but that’s not what is causing the problem.

I love your natural laws argument — that Humanity should adapt itself to Nature’s fundamental laws to survive — because it would be nice if that were true, but unfortunately, people don’t interpret the world that way.

You’re trying to form a secular religion which is a fantastic thing That’s why there are 4,000 different religions, great to see you’re making it 4,001.”

We have over 4000 religions, teachings, countless secular ideologies, philosophies because we are unaware of the single natural developmental plan, systems of laws, natural force-field that controls our lives, determines everything we do.

Thus — while suspecting that such a single system surrounds us, that there is a “standard model”, “theory of everything” — we all try to invent, justify our own approach to it.

One thing is common in all of those teachings, religions, ideologies: they all maintain that Humans are basically good creatures, who are inclined to connect, they are capable of selfless acts, they have empathy and they build groups, societies benevolently (despite the overwhelming historic evidence to the contrary).

It is truly understandable. After all, if we are inherently good, benevolent, capable of connecting, and the “small ego” we have is not a problem, we don’t have to change ourselves, we need to change the world around us, or perhaps others, but never ourselves.

I am not offering, publicizing another religion (secular or non-secular), the method I am studying and publicizing is an empirical, natural science, that can help us learn that single natural plan, system of laws, and force-field, and it can also teach us how we can reveal it, adapt ourselves to it. But it requires us to change, each of us, and we need to learn how to balance, neutralize, use our overwhelming selfish egos which is the root cause of all our problems.

There is no coercion, convincing in this, only those can follow this method who choose to follow it willingly and they know they need it. They have become sensitive enough by seeing Humanity’s present problems, desperate helplessness in the face of the mounting, global challenges we cannot solve due to our self-serving, self-justifying egocentric resistance, separation from each other.

For the rest of the people, it is good to hear about this method, even if they reject it right now, so when the time comes that they will need this practical method, they will remember that they heard about it somewhere…



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.