Should we teach our children science or survival during the lockdown of the Covid-19 pandemic?
Well, I think since survival depends on knowing the unbending laws of the Natural system we exist in, teaching children science, teaching them the fundamental laws of Nature and how we can keep them, adapt ourselves to them is most important.
By learning these laws - which contrary to our long held, proud belief that we can make up our own egocentric, subjective laws as we see fit - we will also find that the “global order”, “global integration, cooperation” we seem to be so afraid of is not imposed on us by some evil cult, group of leaders, invisible interest groups, but it is impressed on us by those Natural laws.
Of course there are those in the 1%, in the so called elite who have been using the evolving global integration, interdependence in a selfish, exploitative way. This is why our present/old economic, financial, political and social system was already dying before the pandemic even started.
We need to learn a different kind of global integration, interdependence, mutual responsibility - in order to become compatible with our Natural, evolutionary conditions - above and against our inherently selfish, egotistic, exploitative instincts, inclination.
And this can now unfold easily, practically as a result of the virus finishing off the previous/system giving us a clear slate to start with. This is why a new, purposeful, methodical upbringing, education that’s built on empirical Natural science is utmost important!
If we use this transitional period, vacuum wisely, we can already find ourselves in a different world “on the other side” of the lockdown!