Shifting viewpoints
By default, we are all locked into a 100% egocentric, subjective, self-serving, and self-justifying life experience and perception of reality.
We can’t experience and sense things as they are.
We feel and evaluate everything only according to a 100% personal and subjective “pleasure/pain” calculation.
Everything we ever do is only to draw more and more selfish pleasures and fulfillment to ourselves and to distance ourselves from personal pain and suffering.
The whole world around us is like a smorgasbord, for us to select whatever we need and reject what we do not need.
All the people we encounter are also categorized according to how useful they are for our own sake or how harmful they are to us.
Accordingly, we connect to others or reject them.
Since everybody is programmed this way, billions of closed, selfish, egocentric, and distrusting particles are constantly colliding, each trying to prosper and succeed at the expense of others.
We make temporary alliances, “friendships,” and “love” relationships according to how useful or harmful these connections are for our “pleasure/pain” calculations.
This drives the endless conflicts, arguments, and wars humanity has been experiencing for millennia.
This is also the reason why — as we evolve into a more and more integrated and interdependent global world, we are heading for a global explosion and catastrophe.
Unique empirical natural scientists who managed to develop a “supernatural” — above inherent human nature — objective and selfless viewpoint of reality offer us a unique method through which we can all learn how to exit our original, 100% self-serving, self-justifying, individualistic, and subjective cocoons and acquire the viewpoint they have developed.
We can learn how to use our original life experience and perception as a foundation or contrast, against and above which we can develop a different viewpoint of reality and upgrade our life experience.
The above-mentioned scientists call this process “judging everyone to a scale of merit.”
This means that after I have encountered my usual initial assessment and judgment of others — which is almost exclusively negative and disparaging in order to justify myself and raise myself over others — I need to “pause the 3D movie” I am experiencing and start shifting how I view, encounter and evaluate things.
By default, we all act blindly, according to our inherently egotistic, selfish, and subjective reflexes, aspirations, and goals. In this, nobody is at fault, since this is how we are programmed by nature’s evolution.
Until a new aspiration and desire is awakened in us — also by nature’s evolution — towards developing the unique, selfless, and objective observer that becomes capable of viewing, assessing, and attaining reality in its total truth and perfection, nobody can be blamed for what they do.
Our free choice and personal responsibility towards how we view the world and how we behave with others starts only from the point the new aspiration and desire towards developing the 100% selfless and objective observer is “switched on in us.
Thus, people who already have this new desire and urge to further develop, those who already recognized in themselves the original, 100% self-serving, self-justifying, egotistic, and exploitative engine driving all their thoughts, calculations and actions, and they also understand that everybody in the world is programmed that way, these people have to justify and accept the actions of everyone else since they understood that those others — still driven blindly by their inherent nature — simply cannot act in any other way.
This does not mean that those others are not violent or harmful against these selfless and objective observers and others.
This does not mean that these uniquely developed observers do not need to protect and shield themselves against the violent actions of others.
It also does not mean that these uniquely developed observers do not have violent and exploitative urges towards others since their original egoistic engine keeps working in them as well.
“Justifying others to a scale of merit” means that these unique, developed, selfless, and objective observers know — based on knowing their own original nature — that those who were not yet given the ability to study and understand their original nature and have the ability to correct and further develop themselves simply cannot exist and act in any other way.
They are helplessly and inevitably driven by their original individualistic and subjective viewpoints and perception of reality; they simply follow their original desires, and from their viewpoints, they do everything justly and perfectly.
Thus, the unique, developed observes need to know how to “dance around” those others who cannot change their actions in any way — while they themselves keep their own selfish, individualistic, and exploitative desires under control — and they can also try to guide those others gently by using the original instincts, desires, and reflexes that operate in those others.
On the other hand, these unique individuals, who have already been “switched on” by nature’s evolution to develop towards a qualitatively much higher life experience and unlimited and perfect perception of reality, can organize and conduct special environments where those who have already started this conscious self-development can assemble.
It is in these unique, closed, and purposeful environments that they can truly develop their new ability to “shift their viewpoint” from the original egotistic, selfish, and subjective viewpoint to a totally selfless, altruistic, and objective viewpoint.
Only in this environment, between themselves — since they all do the same in a mutually committed and supportive way — can they practice how to accept and favor the desires, needs, and viewpoints of others to escape and rise above their own original desires and viewpoints that are all serving and harmful to others.
In this environment, with each other’s mutual help, they can gain the ability to watch their own desires and aspirations “from the side” and decide to choose the desires and aspirations of the others and to view everything in reality through the viewpoints of others above and against their original viewpoint.
The more people participate in this conscious and collective self-development, the greater the ability they acquire for the new perception of reality.
The more people I can use to replace my own selfish, egotistic, and exploitative desires, aspirations, and viewpoints, the more purified my desires become and the more resolution and clarity I develop for my new viewpoint.
Then, with the ability we develop in this unique environment consciously between us, we can already use this ability to navigate life carefully and successfully among the rest of the people who are still conducting their lives according to their inherent nature.
We can already “predict” and anticipate their actions and reactions and adjust our own behavior in order to avoid unnecessary collisions and conflicts.
Some collisions, arguments, and wars are unavoidable.
On the other hand, since these unique, selfless, and objective observers also gain a new ability to see the system of reality in its totality and complexity, they can also understand the cause-and-effect processes that determine our lives and development.
Thus, they can also understand which collisions are avoidable and which cannot be avoided and what the purpose of these collisions is.
The whole of natural life is built on the collisions and merging between opposite and seemingly contradictory forces and elements.
Even when seemingly a collision causes the disappearance or annihilation of a certain element or force, in truth, that force or element adds its qualities and functions to the system by absorbing or disappearing into an element or force that “defeated it” through the collision. Thus, nothing disappears.
There is nothing obsolete or accidental in reality’s perfect and deterministic system. Everything is perfectly and seamlessly complements the system.
Through the acquired and constantly developed and refined ability to view others and reality through the 100% selfless, altruistic, and objective observer, we can fully understand the purpose of each and every event and action and how they lead to a predetermined, perfect, and consciously attained final goal.
As human evolution continues, more and more people will feel the unique awakening that leads to developing this new observer point in us until, in the end, we all acquire this ability and attain the ability to tangibly and realistically feel and appreciate our existence above all our present — inherently egocentric, subjective and individualistic — limitations.