Resetting the notion of “Being Jewish.”
An article in The Jerusalem Post:
My comment:
The whole notion of “Being Jewish” needs a reset. There should be no difference between “Being Jewish” and “Being Israeli.”
If a Jew is not a Zionist, doing everything for the security and prosperity of the State of Israel, that person is not really Jewish!
How can one be Jewish and not care about a Jewish State in the Land of Israel at the same time?!
“Being Jewish” means being part of a people, a Nation that behaves and feels “as one man with one heart.”
“Being Jewish” and “Being Israeli” means abiding by the law of “mutual guarantee,” where each and every Jew is personally and collectively responsible for each and every other Jew without conditions.
This is what we all have to relearn so we do not have any doubts and excuses.
This includes Jews living in the Diaspora, this includes “leftists and rightists” and all the politicians and media influencers.
It cannot be that a Jew uses one’s personal opinion and inclination to undermine and endanger the unity and mutual guarantee of the whole Jewish Nation.
Our political ideology or alliance and sentiment towards a “host country” can never be stronger or more important than our commitment to the unity and mutual guarantee of the Jewish Nation. We have to foster our unity above all our diversity, differences, argumentative nature, and instinctive distrust and animosity.
This is not a nice idea or some ideology; it is a Mitzvah also determined and obligated by the laws of nature.
We need to reset the notion of “Being Jewish.”