Receiving infinite pleasures through “soul devotion.”

Zsolt Hermann
10 min readSep 27, 2024


The state we are in

Our inherent life is very limited, temporary, and meaningless.

By birth, we are locked into ourselves and experience life only to the extent of 100% egocentric, subjective, and individualistic “pleasure/pain” calculations.

We cannot sense anything; we are not interested in anything beyond this very limited scope of how to gain ever-growing and ever-spicier selfish pleasures and how to distance ourselves from personal pain and suffering.

We sense ourselves in the center of the Universe, as according to our worldview, everything and everybody exists only to serve us according to the above calculations.

We do not and cannot perceive and experience life and reality as they are. We sample and distort everything and everybody according to our 100% self-serving, self-justifying, and subjective worldview.

The insatiable and selfish desire for fulfillment that drives our existence constantly grows. If we were happy with something, tomorrow we need double the amount from the same thing and quadrupole the day after.

Life’s purpose is exhausted by the endless pleasure-seeking and consumerism our “modern lives” are built upon. Life does not exist beyond the desires for food, sex, family, wealth, power, fame, and knowledge and their fulfillment.

In our generation, where the majority of humanity can easily obtain fulfillment for these desires – way beyond our actual necessities and even in their most twisted and augmented forms – people are becoming “turned off,” depressed, feeling empty and dejected.

Even the usual and most exciting pleasures of obtaining what others have and taking away things from others to prove we are higher than them cannot satisfy us anymore.

As wise sages wrote, when we die, we do not even have half of what we desired in our hands. Thus, we are constantly unhappy, empty and angry due to the growing sense of unfulfillment.

Human development reached a bitter dead-end. We cannot develop or grow any longer by blindly and instinctively using our original desires in their selfish, exploitative, and individualistic ways.

Moreover, due to the hedonistic, narcissistic, and cancer-like lifestyle we adopted, we are nearing a seemingly inevitable and imminent self-destruction.

The state we should reach

Evolution brought us to a very sharp turning point: either we learn how to exist and behave differently, or we will not survive. After the ensuing global catastrophe, only a handful of people can survive; those handfuls of survivors will have to carry on our Human purpose by learning how to exist and behave differently, convinced and taught by intolerable and unimaginable suffering.

By default, we live locked into ourselves only for our own sake. The lifestyle we need to learn and practice is living “outside of ourselves” and only for the sake of others.

This way, from destructive and self-destructive cancer cells, we can become healthy cells of the single, fully integrated and mutually interdependent Human superorganism we are all individual parts of.

By becoming such mutually coexisting and cooperating healthy cells, where we each think, decide, and act only for the sake of each other and for the sake of the whole collective, we can create such an endless and mutual flow of energy, resources, and life that we all get exactly what we need in order to maintain and strengthen the common life flow and sense of existence.

This way, since we have to achieve this optimal and obligatory – predetermined by nature’s evolution – state consciously and proactively, above and against our inherent nature and worldview, we will also develop an unprecedented collective consciousness and intellect.

This collective Human consciousness and intellect will become nature’s only all-encompassing conscious mind, partnering and comprehending nature’s single life-creating and operating evolutionary force.

By consciously and willingly becoming similar to this singular, selflessly, and unconditionally bestowing and serving force – the force that sustains life anywhere in reality – we start to attain, comprehend, and mimic this force. This consciously acquired and merited similarity will make us “truly Human” – “human” in Hebrew is “Adam” from the expression “similar.”

Reaching this mutual understanding and partnership with reality’s single governing and life-creating force is our Human purpose in life. We exist for nothing else but to achieve this.

Everything else we do in life, all our myriads of activities, is simply a smokescreen hiding our true purpose from us.

Since this Human purpose is programmed in us, in our generation, where all other goals and purpose lose their importance and usefulness, the question about the meaning and purpose of Human life awakens in more and more people.

Evolution is awakening this so-far dormant need in human beings to a point where we can simply not ignore our need to learn what it means to be a Human being and what our purpose is in reality’s deterministic evolutionary system.

The method to achieve our Human purpose

This suddenly awakening question and need is not enough. We also need a unique method through which we can search for and find the right answers and we can also receive the necessary method to actually further develop ourselves.

We have a unique method since reaching and fulfilling our purpose necessitates rising above and developing against our original nature – as explained above. We have to develop totally opposite qualities compared to our inherent qualities, and we have to switch from a totally self-absorbed, selfish, and individualistic existence to an open, altruistic, and collective one.

Through a unique, practical, and scientific method – that is available and open to anyone – we can collectively and mutually practice how to escape our original nature and closed, subjective, egotistic, and individualistic cocoons.

As a result of trying to achieve this, we, first of all, recognize and experience our original nature as it starts resisting and fighting us.

As a result, we are able to establish – for the first time in our lives – a unique, independent Human observer that can differentiate itself from the selfish and individual ego we associate ourselves with by birth.

This unique independent observer – which is very weak and vulnerable – needs a strong pulling force that can help it establish and sustain its independence from the original ego.

This strong influence and pulling force can only come from a strong and special environment.

The method of special Human self-development against the inherent ego necessitates the establishment of a unique human environment.

In this environment, each participant fully commits to selflessly and unconditionally supporting and serving the others so all the others can achieve their desires and unprecedented self-liberation.

Each member of this environment – while constantly fighting their own egos – pledges to exist and act only for the sake of others, focusing on the success and optimal development of all the others except themselves.

This special mutual work, assisted by the necessary method, can help them to generate and sustain a very strong positive atmosphere, where the importance of their common goal – to develop the new qualities and lifestyle that leads to similarity and partnership with realty’s single operating force – can keep pulling and elevating them above the influence of their egos towards their common goal.

The paradox of “truly Human” life: “We will receive everything when we do not want anything for ourselves.”

Human beings cannot act without expecting a reward for their efforts. Initially, even when the members of this society accept all the conditions of the method and set out to make efforts only for the sake of others, some personal hope for reward or recognition remains and helps them continue their work.

They also have to be aware that when they start the process, they have no way of immediately working and progressing totally selflessly without expecting anything in return for their work. It is not possible.

Nevertheless, if they continue their efforts and hope and expect that as a result of their efforts, they will actually reach a state where they can already exist and work without any selfish benefit or reward.

They cannot achieve this by their own efforts, but with the help of the unique method, reality’s single evolutionary force gradually rewards them with such “superhuman” ability.

Unique, empirical natural scientists – who have been studying human nature and reality’s all-encompassing system for millennia, and who have all been through this unique self-development – explain that in order to become selfless, altruistic and mutually contributing healthy cells in reality’s system, we simply have to disappear into others through unconditional service towards them.

We have to reach a state, where we sense and want to fulfill the desires and needs of others as we inherently feel and want to fulfill our own desires and needs. Moreover, we need to do that according to the viewpoint of those others, without any inherently egoistic and subjective bias.

As we noted before, human beings that are inherently driven by the all-powerful and very shrewd ego, simply cannot exist or make efforts without some selfish reward.

There is only one state of being, where seemingly one can suspend any selfish thoughts, decisions and actions: it is the state of love.

In truth, even the “love” we know from our lives is not “pure.” We “love” when we receive at least some pleasures, feedback or reciprocation for our “love.” If such selfish reward, feedback or reciprocation is missing, after a while the “love” wanes and disappears.

The most obvious “selfless love” of a mother towards her baby is also “selfish,” since the mother considers her baby as part of herself instinctively. This is nhow nature’s evolutionary force made sure that the continuation of different species is guaranteed through the totally self-sacrificing “love” of the mothers towards their offsprings.

What we need need help for from reality’s evolutionary force is to develop a “natural” love towards others who we do not have the usual instinctive or hormonal relationship with.

It is “natural” love as nature’s elements – including the cells of of biological bodies – relate to each other with such totally selfless and unconditional mutual service, where each element instinctively subdues itself to the wellbeing and optimal development of the whole.

Human beings need to acquire, taste, comprehend and strengthen this “natural love” consciously against and above their inherent nature.

This is something incomprehensible for our original self-obsessed and self-serving intellect. We cannot even imagine what it means to exist solely for the sake of others, to sense and taste existence only when something is passing through us to others and all other states of existence count as death since we cannot receive anything for ourselves, not even for our necessities, unless we pledge and commit to exist only for the sake of others and the whole system.

Still, this is exactly the feeling and sense of existence we have to reach in that unique human environment with the help of the special developmental method.

Soul devotion

The above-mentioned method takes us to this unique turning point of total “self-sacrifice” gradually. We start with mutual aspiration, vaguely hearing and accepting the goal we must reach and what stages we need to go through, without actually and truly understanding the fateful and dramatic divider or filter we have to go through.

We keep practicing mutual integration and we keep behaving as if we were already sensing and fulfilling each other’s desires, while we always have some personal and selfish expectations and calculations in the background.

On the other hand, our sensitivity towards the ego grows and the above-mentioned selfless and objective “Human observer” grows and develops.

Thus, we keep recognizing and “purifying” all the appearing and “arrested” egoistic and selfish thoughts, calculations, expectations and actions until we reach a unique dead-end for the ego.

It is a very clear boundary where it is absolutely palpable that there is a still a thread that connects us to the ego, which still provides our foundations, understanding and security, and if we cut this last thread and agree to totally disconnect from the ego’s influence we enter or “fall into” a state, a certain dark vacuum we have never experienced before.

We have to go through a unique rebirth, which is like a special “brain and heart transplant” that disconnects us from everything we experienced, sensed and understood before, giving us a new “mind and heart” that will be able to sense and comprehend a life that is solely based on unconditional love and service of others.

Although we were practicing and trying to achieve the above-mentioned “natural love” guided and assisted by the books and instructions of the unique empirical scientists who developed the method for us, we did not actually have the necessary senses and comprehension to know and feel what we truly want to achieve and what state we enter.

Thus, at that unique boundary, before the “filter” we have nothing to hold onto “from the other side,” we can’t promise any securities or guarantees to our original “self.”

It is a true jump into the darkness necessitating absolute unwavering fate in those unique empirical scientists and their method, and an absolute and unwavering fate in reality’s single governing force that will provide the new “mind and heart” – according to the instructions of the scientists, our wise predecessors and teachers.

This agreement and subjugation – without any personal calculations, expectations, rewards or even guarantees is called “soul devotion” by the empirical scientists. The person commits to this step even if one totally disappears and feels nothing from that moment on.

This step is possible to make only when, by now, we have developed and at least partially sensed that “pure, natural love” where “I” do not want to exist unless I can love, serve and pass on everything I ever receive without wanting to feel myself or any of my own desires, calculations and expectations. We want this love since it also offers us the greatly desired similarity to reality’s single governing force.

Only this love for others and the need for similarity to that singular force – we have to develop in the special environment with the help of the method – can give us the motivation and momentum to “push us over” that selfless boundary, beyond which only that unknown and dark vacuum awaits.

Then, when we have already made the fateful decision for the “egoistic self-sacrifice” letting go of the influence of the ego, that “dark vacuum” turns into something we never experienced or even imagined, something better and more pleasurable than anything we can find in this world – as long as we experience and receive everything only for the sake of others and for the sake of the whole system.



Zsolt Hermann
Zsolt Hermann

Written by Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.

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