Reaching Perfect Life-Creating Love Through Integration With Each Other
Transcending Selfishness Through Mutual Integration
Human nature is inherently selfish, egotistic, individualistic, and exploitative. Left to our own devices, we are trapped in a state where our personal desires dominate, preventing us from perceiving the deeper reality that governs existence. However, there is a way to transcend this condition through integrating with one another in an environment of complete mutual devotion.
Only by merging our desires and intentions, selflessly prioritizing the needs of others, can we escape the prison of our ego and enter the “inner courtyard of the singular creating and governing force of reality. In this state, pure and absolute love and bestowal reign, dissolving all traces of selfishness. This is not an abstract ideal but a concrete, achievable transformation that requires our conscious effort and dedication.
The Path to Complete Transparency and Mutual Bestowal
To achieve this integration, we must cultivate a unique environment where we become utterly transparent toward one another. We should strive to align our desires so completely that we feel and fulfill each other’s needs without any egocentric or subjective bias. This means developing an acute sensitivity to the perspectives of others, placing their fulfillment above our own.
This process necessitates an extraordinary level of intimacy, where every thought and intention is exposed. In such an environment, even the slightest negative thought or selfish impulse becomes unbearably shameful, as if all others can see directly into our innermost selves. We must believe and behave as if our true intentions are constantly visible, leaving no room for deception, masks, or pretense.
This awareness generates a sharp and intolerable fear of our own ego, of our inherently selfish nature that repeatedly deceives us. Recognizing that others can perceive our true motivations intensifies this fear, further reinforcing our need for transformation.
The Role of Prayer and the Transformation of Desire
Since overcoming our ego is impossible through sheer willpower alone, we must remain in a state of constant prayer, an ongoing plea for assistance from nature's developing forces. We ask for the willingness, ability, and strength to subdue our inherently selfish inclinations so that we can engage with our friends solely through the “godly qualities” of selfless and unconditional love and bestowal.
This prayer is not a one-time request but a continuous, burning necessity. As we struggle against our nature, falling and rising again, we realize that only the life-creating force of reality can neutralize, complement, and ultimately transform our inner qualities. We seek to become like healthy cells in a living organism, fully integrated and contributing to the collective well-being.
As we receive the strength to act above and against our innate selfishness, we begin to experience mutual integration with others on a new level. This transformation is not natural; it is “supernatural” in the sense that it occurs above our inherent nature. The love we receive from the singular creating force enables us to step beyond our ego and begin to experience a reality defined by bestowal rather than reception.
The Awakening of Awe and the Recognition of Infinite Love
As we progress in this process, something remarkable happens: we begin to perceive the infinite and all-encompassing love emanating from the singular source of life. This love is unlike anything previously imagined, it is so total, so unconditional, that it completely permeates and dissolves the one who experiences it. It is akin to returning to the mother’s womb, being enveloped in absolute security and warmth.
However, this profound love also awakens a new and different kind of fear, a deep, piercing awe. This is no longer the fear of our own ego or the shame of selfishness; it is the fear that we are utterly unworthy of the love we are receiving. This is the shame that arises from love itself, the overwhelming realization that one cannot fully reciprocate the infinite love that flows from the singular source of reality.
This paradox is at the heart of the transformation: on the one hand, we feel the urge to completely dissolve in this perfect love; on the other, we recognize that true love demands reciprocity. This awe of love does not paralyze us, it fuels our continued refinement and development. It motivates us to increase our capacity to love and bestow as the Creator does so that we might become worthy of the love we receive.
Harnessing Shame, Fear, and Awe for Spiritual Growth
Shame, fear, and awe, emotions that are typically seen as negative, become essential tools in this journey. When directed correctly, they serve as the driving forces behind our transformation.
1. Shame keeps us vigilant, preventing us from acting selfishly in the presence of others. It ensures that we remain accountable to the mutual environment we are striving to build.
2. Fear of our own ego, of the destructive tendencies lurking within, keeps us in a state of constant self-examination, ensuring that we do not fall back into selfishness.
3. Awe of the love we sense from reality’s single creating force compels us to expand our capacity for bestowal, motivating us to rise beyond our current limitations.
By embracing these forces, we engage in a relentless and conscious process of preparation, learning, and practice. This path ultimately leads us to the deepest connection with the singular life force of reality, a connection forged not through submission or annihilation, but through active, reciprocal love.
The Journey to True Connection
The awe of the Creator is not an abstract concept; it is a tangible experience that arises from the profound transformation of human relationships. By integrating with each other in total selflessness, we gain access to a higher level of existence, one in which we no longer live for ourselves but for the whole.
This journey is the ultimate purpose of human life. It is the process of becoming like the Creator, mirroring His infinite love and bestowal. Through constant refinement, prayer, and mutual effort, we gradually ascend to this state, achieving true connection with the source of all existence.
The awe we feel along the way is not a burden, it is the greatest gift, guiding us ever closer to our true purpose: to love as the Creator loves, to bestow as the Creator bestows, and to merge into the boundless harmony of reality.